Ethical Frameworks for telecommunications EFFort
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PROJECT NO : 217787


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EFORTT Project News

EFORTT researchers led a workshop at the European Care Conference 2011 “Does Europe Care?” in Amsterdam, Netherlands on 28-29 April 2011.

EFORTT team members met in London in January 2011 to discuss their publications and to exchange information about future plans and projects.

We congratulate our colleague Blanca Callen on the award of her PhD in November 2010.


took place at Casa de la Convalescencia, BARCELONA, 13th & 14th September 2010

What counts as care?   Who designs, who decides? 

Changing spaces of care

Developments in telecare (the provision of health and social care at a distance) are rapidly evolving, with information and communication technologies (ICT) covering an increasing range of care practices. But are these interventions occurring in a social and ethical vacuum, as if they are neutral and value free? Should we not take time to consider the ethical and social implications of technological interventions for older citizens, caregivers and health-care systems? Our conference provided a space for critical exploration of these issues by practitioners, system users, scholars and policymakers concerned with ageing and technology. Over two days, we exchanged experiences and debated the actual and possible consequences of telecare developments, for users, carers and health care systems in Europe. Drawing on the findings of the EC FP7 project EFORTT (Ethical Frameworks for Telecare Technologies for older people at home), the event included plenary and workshop discussions organised around three main themes:

What counts as care?   Who designs, who decides? 

Changing spaces of care

At the end of the conference rapporteurs summed up the different proposals and priorities for future action on telecare in Europe which have been drawn together in a written report circulated to all participants.

See conference page for further details


Colleagues from EFORTT participated in the Ambient Assisted Living - Joint Programmes (AAL-JP) Forum 29 Sept - 1 Oct 2009 in Vienna.

To view the poster click here: EFORTT POSTER


Innovative ICT Solutions for Older Persons – A New Understanding
29 September - 1 October 2009, Hofburg Vienna

From 29 September to 1 October 2009 the first AAL FORUM will take place in the Vienna Hofburg. This kick-off event of the international conference series of the Ambient Assisted Living - Joint Programmes (AAL-JP) will serve as an information and discussion platform for stakeholders, scientists and users. The thematic priorities of the AAL FORUM 09 will be national and European AAL activities, R&D projects and economic aspects of the joint programmes, the third AAL call for proposals as well as key questions of AAL-JP.

An exhibition accompanying the conference will provide institutions, companies and projects with the opportunity to present their services and products in the field of 'active and independent ageing'. A hands-on area invites visitors to try out interactive games for the elderly. Ambient Assisted Living means life in a supportive environment. The central theme of the exhibition shall be the technical design of the home through ICT to promote independence of the elderly as well as communication with the social environment.

The AAL FORUM 09 Vienna will host 500 experts of various subjects. 50 end-users will be guided through the exhibition.

Alexandra Kuhn
phone: +43 1 711 62 extension 65 3104


Efortt partners are among the authors in this special issue of SPACE AND CULTURE: 2009 12

Care and the Art of Dwelling: Bodies, Technologies, and Home

Michael Schillmeier: Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Miquel Domènech: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Thinking about care practices entails a reflection concerning practices of space.
In this special isssue we are interested in rethinking the concepts and practices of care in contemporary societies.

Care as an art of dwelling enacts being-at-home by reassembling bodies, emotions, technologies, and places, in highly specific, complex, and often fragile and precarious ways. What “care and the art of dwelling” means is certainly a pivotal issue that traverses all the collected texts. As we see, there is no single answer to this question.

Michael Schillmeier and Miquel Domènech
Care and the Art of Dwelling: Bodies, Technologies, and Home

Graham Harman
Dwelling With the Fourfold

Rebecca Sims, Will Medd, Maggie Mort, and Clare Twigger-Ross
When a "Home" Becomes a "House": Care and Caring in the Flood Recovery Process

Joanna Latimer and Rolland Munro
Keeping & Dwelling: Relational Extension, the Idea of Home, and Otherness

Tonya Davidson
The Role of Domestic Architecture in the Structuring of Memory

Daniel López and Tomás Sánchez-Criado
Dwelling the Telecare Home: Place, Location and Habitability

Mike Michael and William Gaver
Home Beyond Home: Dwelling With Threshold Devices

Francisco Tirado, Blanca Callén, and Nizaiá Cassián
The Question of Movement in Dwelling: Three Displacements in the Care of Dementia

Michael E. Gardiner
BooK Review: Philosophizing the Everyday: Revolutionary Praxis and the Fate of Cultural Theory, John Roberts (2006). London: Pluto. ISBN 0-745324-11-8. Everyday Life: Theories and Practices From Surrealism to the Present, Michael Sheringham (2006). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-199273-95-2


Special Issue of Disability Journal ALTER

summary of special issue of journal ALTER April 2009
Vol.3 – N°2    April – June 2009
Special Issue / Numéro thématique

Ageing, Technology and the Home: researching new care configurations

Vieillissement et  technologies : recherches sur les nouvelles configurations du soin à domicile


Maggie Mort, Celia Roberts and Christine Milligan, Guest Editors
Ageing, Technology and the Home: a critical project
Vieillissement, technologies et domicile : un projet critique


Cathy Bailey and Cormac Sheehan
Technology, Older Persons' Perspectives and the Anthropological Ethnographic Lens
Technologie, perspectives des personnes âgées et approche anthropologique et ethnographique

Blanca Callen, Miquel Domènech, Daniel López and Francisco Tirado
Telecare Research: (Cosmo)politicizing Methodology
Recherche sur la téléassistance : méthodologie de la (cosmo)politisation

Judith Torrington                                                                        
The design of technology and environments to support enjoyable activity for people with dementia
Concevoir des technologies et des environnements aidant des personnes atteintes de démence à réaliser des activités auxquelles elles prennent plaisir

Celia Roberts and Maggie Mort                                                 
Reshaping what counts as care: older people, work and new technologies
Vers une reconfiguration du soin : personnes âgées, travail et nouvelles technologies

Jeannette Pols and Ingunn Moser                                             
Cold technologies versus warm care? On affective and social relations with and through care technologies
Froideur de la technologie versus chaleur du soin ? Relations affectives et sociales avec et au travers des technologies de soin


'Ageing, Technology & the Home: researching new care configurations' is a special issue of the journal ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research, which has been edited by Maggie Mort & Celia Roberts
(Sociology) and Christine Milligan (Division of Health Research.)

The issue responds to the rapid development of new care technologies aimed at older people in 'developed' societies, being heavily promoted by both industry and governments to support ‘independent living' in the context of demographic ageing and shrinking budgets. We bring together papers from a range of perspectives (feminist science studies, social geography, architecture, social psychology, empirical philosophy) and from four regions of Europe, to consider the relationship between independence and dependence (enablement and disablement) and the role that technologies play in this.

In this special issue of ALTER, we explore ‘living with' telecare and technologies for independent living, as an ethical issue to be studied empirically. Drawing on Science & Technology Studies we resist the ‘black boxing' of these technologies, that is, we resist taking new care technologies as ‘given' or pre-determined systems which can then be evaluated. In the same way, drawing on insights from social geography we resist the notion that ‘home' is an unproblematic space in which new care technologies can unproblematically be introduced. The papers examine not only how telecare technologies work in practice, but also their underlying rationales, goals, scripts and assumptions about the user and the user's life.

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