Past Conferences and Presentations

Keynotes and plenary presentations:

Ian Gregory, “Spatial Humanities: Using digital technologies to understand the geographies within texts”, Digital Humanities, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, 22/09/2015.

Ian Gregory, “Mapping texts: Using GIS to understand the geographies in large textual collections” DF McKenzie Bi-Annual Lecture, Australasian Summer School, Victoria University Wellington/Alexander Turnbull National Library of New Zealand, 28/01/2015.

Ian Gregory, “Mapping corpora: Approaches to understanding the geographies in texts”, Practical Applications of Language Corpora, Lodz, Poland, 21/11/2014.

Ian Gregory, “Towards Spatial Humanities: Using GIS to map and analyse the geographies within texts” Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 31/07/2013.

Ian Gregory, “Bringing together corpus linguistics and GIS: Understanding the geographies in texts” Interdisciplinary Summer School in Digital Methods, Lancaster, UK, 16/06/2013.

Ian Gregory, “GIS and Texts: New approaches to understanding the geographies of the past”, LENSMapping People” Symposium. University of Redlands, California, USA, 31/10/2012.

Ian Gregory, “From texts to mapping: Understanding the geographies in historical corpora”, HiCor 2013, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 28/02/2013.

Ian Gregory, “Using textual sources within a GIS to explore urban (and other) trends”, ACUMEN (Assembly for Comparative Urbanisation and the Material Environment). University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, 13/12/2012.

Ian Gregory, “Deep maps, spatial narratives, and quantitative and qualitative scholarship in the humanities”, Spatial Narratives and Deep Maps: Explorations in Advanced Geo-spatial Technologies and the Spatial Humanities, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, 19/06/2012.


Other presentations:

Paul Atkinson, Ian Gregory and Catherine Porter “Combining corpora and statistics using geographical technologies”, Digital Humanities 2016, Krakow, Poland, 11-16/07/2016.

Catherine Porter “A temporal & spatial investigation of disease in 19th century British newspapers”, Invited Seminar, the British Library, London, 05/05/2016.

Amelia Joulain-Jay “Dealing with OCR for corpus linguistics”, Invited Seminar, the British Library, London, 05/05/2016.

Paul Atkinson, Ian Gregory, Brian Francis and Catherine Porter, “Spatial patterns of rural infant mortality in Britain”, European Social Science History Conference, Valencia, Spain, 01/04/2016.

Catherine Porter, Ian Gregory and Paul Atkinson “Investigating the temporal and spatial representations of disease in nineteenth-century British newspapers through text analysis and GIS”, American Association of Geographers 2016, San Francisco, USA, 30/03/2016.

Ian Gregory “Exploring Space and Time in Large Volumes of Text”, American Association of Geographers 2016, San Francisco, USA, 30/03/2016.

Paul Atkinson and Catherine Porter “Detecting the geographies of health in nineteenth–century newspapers by corpus and geospatial analysis “, Social History Society 40th Anniversary Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 21/03/2016.

Amelia Joulain-Jay “Between close and distant reading: analysing representations of ‘France’ and ‘Russia’ in nineteenth century newspapers”, Digital Humanities Research Forum, Lancaster University, UK, 09/03/2016.

Paul Atkinson, Ian Gregory, Brain Francis and Catherine Porter “Patterns of infant mortality in rural England and Wales, 1850-1910“, 40th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Baltimore, USA, 15/11/2015.

Ian Gregory, “Combining Text Analysis and Geographic Information Systems…”, British Library Labs Awards, 2015, British Library, London, 02/11/2015.

Patricia Murrieta Flores and Ian Gregory, “Nuevas fronteraa en Sistemas de Informacion Geografica: Extendiendo el Analisis Espacial a colecciones de texto en Humanidades.  Segundo Congreso Internacional, Mexico, 16/10/2015.

Paul Atkinson, “Spatial modelling of rural infant mortality in C19 Britain“, Spatial Analysis in Historical Demography, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, Quebec, Canada, 18/09/2015.

Amelia Joulain-Jay,   “Exploring Victorian British attitudes towards France and Russia: The Era, 1840-1899″, Beyond Methods of Mining, University of Utrecht, 14-15/09/2015.

Catherine Porter, “Using text analysis and GIS to investigate the representation of public health in nineteenth-century newspapers“, Making ‘Big Data’ Human: Doing History in a Digital Age, University of Cambridge, 09/09/2015.

Paul Atkinson, “Spatial modelling of rural infant mortality in C19 Britain“, British Society for Population Studies, Leeds University, UK, 09/09/2015.

Amelia Joulain-Jay,   “Nineteenth-century British discursive representations of European countries: Russia and France in The Era”, Corpus Linguistics 2015, Lancaster University, 21-24/07/2015.

Paul Atkinson, “The General Register Office and the Historians: a new look using corpus linguistics”, The Corpus and the Historian: Using Corpora and Corpus Linguistics in Historical Investigations (workshop), CL2015, Lancaster University, 20/07/2015.

Amelia Joulain-Jay,  “Reading Victorian newspaper corpora: ‘Russia’ and ‘France’ in The Era, 1840-1899″, RSVP 2015, University of Ghent, 10-11/07/2015.

Amelia Joulain-Jay, “Corpus linguistics & history: exploring public attitudes to places in the British Library c19th newspapers collection”, History Department Postgraduate Research Seminar Series, Lancaster University, 23/06/2015.

Amelia Joulain-Jay, “Creative uses of Big Data for History”, invited presentation, symposium: Can historians be creative?, Lancaster University, 17-18/06/2015.

Amelia Joulain-Jay, “From corpus linguistics to history: OCR errors and spatial patterns in c19th British newspapers”, invited presentation, Department of English Seminar Series, Uppsala University, 09/09/2015.

Amelia Joulain-Jay, “Coping with errors: estimating the impact of OCR errors on corpus linguistic analysis of historical newspapers’, ICAME 56, Trier, 27-31/05/2015.

Catherine Porter and Ian Gregory, “Geographical Text Analysis: Approaches to understand the geographies in texts“, Association of American Geographers 2015, Chicago, USA, 21-25/04/2015.

Paul Atkinson, Ian Gregory, Brian Francis and Catherine Porter, “Places and causes: using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to study rural nineteenth-century infant mortality“, Local Population Studies Society, Oxford, UK, 18/04/2015.

Catherine Porter, Paul Atkinson and Ian Gregory, “Combining Statistics and Texts using GIS: Nineteenth Century Health Reports“, GISRUK 2015, Leeds University, UK, 15-17/04/2015.

Paul Atkinson, “Using corpus linguistics to study English public health discourse, 1837-1931”, Symposium on Language, Culture and Medicine, Lancaster University, UK, 23/03/2015.

Catherine Porter, “Using GIS, Texts and Statistics to Assess Mortality in Nineteenth Century England and Wales”, Symposium on Language, Culture and Medicine, Lancaster University, UK, 23/03/2015.

Amelia Joulain-Jay, Ian Gregory and Andrew Hardie, “The spatial patterns in historical texts: combining corpus linguistics and geographical information systems to explore places in Victorian newspapers”,  Exploring Historical Sources with Language Technology: Results and Perspectives, Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands, 8-9/12/2014.

Ian Gregory and Christopher Donaldson, Invited speakers at IHR Digital History Seminar “Mapping Eighteenth-century tourism in the English Lakes”, Institute for Historical Research, London, UK, 26/11/14.

Ian Gregory, “Combining textual and statistical evidence: Nineteenth century mortality”, Social Science History Association, Toronto, Canada, 08/11/14.

Amelia Joulain-Jay, “Estimating the impact of OCR errors on results of corpus linguistic analysis on the British Library’s digitized collection of c19th newspapers”, UCREL CRS, Lancaster University, UK, 16/10/2014. 

Christopher Donaldson and Ian Gregory, “Mapping ‘Wordsworthshire’: A Spatial Analysis of a National Literary Landscape’”, Travel in the Marketplace, Bangor, UK, 18/09/14.

Amelia Joulain-Jay, “Using Digital Methods to Investigate the Representation of Places in the Victorian Periodical Press”, RSVP2014, Places, Spaces and the Victorian Periodical Press, University of Delaware, USA, 11-13/09/2014.

Ian Gregory. Invited speaker at Kress Foundation funded Summer Institute on Digital Mapping and Art History, Middlebury, Vermont, 11/08/14.

Amelia Joulain-Jay, “Deriving historical insight from large digital collections of texts”, Peking University/Lancaster University Symposium, Lancaster University, UK, 4-5/07/2014.

Amelia Joulain-Jay, “Places in the Victorian periodical press: Mobilizing corpus linguistics and geographical information systems to uncover nineteenth-century media representations of place”, LAELPG, Lancaster University, UK, 14/07/2014.

Ian Gregory, “Digital approaches to understanding the geographies in literary and historical texts”, DH2014, Lausanne, Switzerland, 8/07/2014.

Christopher Donaldson, “Transport and Tourism in Victorian Lakeland: Texts, Places and GIS”, Australasian Victorian Studies Association Conference, University of Hong Kong, HKSAR, 12/07/14.

Ian Gregory, Christopher Donaldson and Patricia Murrieta-Flores “Exploring Lake District writing using GIS”, Telling Stories with Maps: The Geoweb, Qualitative GIS and Narrative Mapping, Birmingham, UK, 30/04/14.

Ian Gregory, “Using Digital Texts in Spatial History”, European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, Austria, 26/04/14.

Patricia Murrieta-Flores & Ian Gregory, “Analysing textual sources with GIS in the Humanities: Challenges and future for archaeological research”, CAA, Paris, France, 22-25/04/2014.

Christopher Donaldson and Ian Gregory, ‘Lakeland History and Heritage Day’, Lancaster University Campus in the City, Lancaster, UK, 29/03/14.

Christopher Donaldson, ‘Mapping the “Discovery” of the English Lakes’, The North East Forum in Eighteenth-Century and Romantic Studies, Durham University, Durham, UK, 21/03/14.

Christopher Donaldson, “Mapping the Lakes: A Fresh Look at a National  Literary Landscape”, Literary Landscapes in the Digital Age, Regional Heritage Centre Study Day, Friends’ Meeting House, Lancaster, UK, 19/03/14.

Ian Gregory. Invited participant at Creating a digital repository of sources on European colonial architecture and town planning, Delft, 28/02/14.

Ian Gregory, “Spatial Humanities: Digital Approaches to Analysing the Geographies in Texts”, History Department Seminar Series, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK, 26/02/14.

Ian Gregory, Invited speaker at EEO-AGI Scotland Seminar “Geographical Text Analysis: Analysing digital texts using GIS”, Edinburgh, UK, 14/02/14.

Ian Gregory, invited speaker at Architecture Beyond: European architecture beyond Europe, Paris, 27/01/14.

Christopher Donaldson, “Provincial pleasures: Early travels in the English Lakes”, British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, St Hugh’s College, Oxford, UK, 9/01/14.

Christopher Donaldson and Patricia Murrieta-Flores, “Mapping Nicholson’s network”, The Poet’s Body: Creativity, Health and Connectedness, Norman Nicholson Society, Millom, Cumbria, UK, 21/10/13.

Christopher Donaldson, Patricia Murrieta-Flores, C.J. Rupp, Ian Gregory, Andrew Hardie and Paul Rayson, “A spatial analysis of Norman Nicholson’s correspondence”, Modernist Studies Association, Sussex, UK, 29/08/13. Click here to see the poster we used for this presentation.

Patricia Murrieta-Flores, “Introducing the geographical dimension to your research: A GIS workshop for Humanities researchers”, Digital Transformers. Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK, 23/05/13.

Christopher Donaldson, Patricia Murrieta-Flores, et al., “Pennant and the ‘Discovery’ of the Lake District: A Literary GIS”. Invited speaker at Thomas Pennant’s Tours: Second Multidisciplinary Workshop, National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK, 08/06/2013.

Ian Gregory, “Digital Texts and the Geographies of Victorian Mortality”. Invited speaker at the Institute for Historical Research, London, UK, 06/07/13.

Ian Gregory, Invited participant at Big Data & Spatial Humanities, Meertens Institute, Amsterdam, NL, 30/05/13.

Christopher Donaldson, “Over Sands to the Lakes” Theorising Surfaces Workshop, Lancaster, UK, 23/05/13.

Ian Gregory, “Geographical Text Analysis: Exploring texts through space and time”. Invited speaker at ESF-funded workshop on Integrating Time, Space and Individual Life Stories, University of Lund, SE, 16-18/05/13.

Patricia Murrieta-Flores, “Spatial Humanities: Exploring and analysing texts with GIS”, ACRG, University of Southampton, UK, 09/05/13.

Ian Gregory, “Using texts in GIScience: Examples from Literature and History”. Invited seminar presentation, University of Zurich, CH, 30/04/13.

Ian Gregory, Three invited presentations at, Technical Innovations in the Humanities, National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, IL, 16-17/01/13.

Ian Gregory, Invited participant, Young Academy of Europe meeting, Brussels, BE, 7-8/12/12.

Ian Gregory, “Using GIS to explore historical texts: Examples from Lake District literature and the Registrar General’s Reports”. Invited seminar presentation at the Institute for Historical Research, London, UK, 20/11/12.

Ian Gregory, “GIS and corpora: Geographical approaches to analysing texts”. Invited presentation at Arts and Humanities Research Council’s Moot, London, UK 19/11/12.

Ian Gregory, “Using texts to explore historical geographies: Geographical Text Analysis” Social Science History Association, Vancouver, CA, 1-4/11/12.

Ian Gregory, “Spatial History: Digital approaches to understanding the geographies of the past”. Invited seminar presentation at the University of Cambridge, UK, 17/10/12.

David Cooper, “Literary GIS: A Geocentric Approach”, European Society for the Study of English, Istanbul, TR, 4-8/09/12.

Ian Gregory and David Cooper “Using Geographic Information Systems to study the literature of the English Lake District”, British Association of Victorian Studies, Sheffield, UK, 31/08/12.

Ian Gregory participated in a roundtable on “Developing the spatial humanities: Geo-spatial technologies as a platform for cross-disciplinary scholarship”, Digital Humanities, Hamburg, DE, 17-21/07/12.

David Cooper and Ian Gregory “Spatial Humanities: Texts, GIS, Places – Geomapping texts and manuscripts”. Invited presentation at the Wordsworth Trust, Grasmere, 27/04/12

Ian Gregory “GIS and texts: Exploring Lake District Literature using GIS”, European Social Science History Association, Glasgow, UK, 11-14/04/12.

Ian Gregory was an invited participant at a National Endowment for the Humanities funded meeting on Deep Maps and Spatial Narratives, Denver, USA, 9-10/03/12.

Ian Gregory and Robert Schwartz “Railways, agriculture and crisis in 19th century Wales”, The use of GIS in the study of European Integration (1870-2010), Barcelona, ES, 5-8/03/12. This meeting was funded by the Jean Monet fund.

Ian Gregory, “Towards Spatial Humanities: GIS qualitative and quantitative sources”, The Gerald Aylmer Seminar, Invited presentation hosted by the Royal Historical Society, the Institute for Historical Research and the National Archives, London, UK, 29/02/12.

Ian Gregory, “Studying long-term change using quantitative and qualitative sources: Examples for Ireland and Britain”, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, New York, USA, 27/02/12.

Ian Gregory, invited panellist at Street Life and Street Culture: Between Early Modern Europe and the present, London, UK 3/02/12. This was a meeting funded by the AHRC under the Beyond the Text programme.

© Spatial Humanities: Texts, GIS & Places

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