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Topic 3 (session B) - Patterns, Deviations, Style and Meaning > Extended parallelism: non-literary examples > Task A

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Extended parallelism: non-literary examples
Extended parallelism: literary examples
Parallelism, deviation and 'The brain - is wider than the sky -'
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Extended parallelism: non-literary examples

Task A - A Bill Clinton joke

Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Al Gore die and go to meet God.

Al goes first.
God asks him: 'Who are you?'
Al replies: 'I am the Vice-President of the United States of America!'
God says: 'Very well, come and sit on my left-hand side.'

Bill goes hnext.
God asks him: 'Who are you?'
Bill replies: 'I am the President of the United States of America!'
God says: 'Very well, come and sit on my right-hand side.'

Hillary goes last.
God asks her: 'And who are you?'
Hillary replies: 'I am Hillary Clinton, and what are you doing sitting in my place?!!'

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