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 Ling 131: Language & Style

 Topic 10 (session A) - Prose analysis > Bilgewater: Context and Cohesion

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Session Overview
Bilgewater: General
Prose Analysis Methodology
Bilgewater: Lexis
Bilgewater: Foregrounding
Bilgewater: Context and cohesion
Bilgewater: Speech & thought presentation
Bilgewater: Grammar
Methodology checksheet
Topic 10 'tool' summary
Useful Links
Bilgewater passage

Bilgewater: Context and Cohesion

We noted in the work on our general understanding of the passage that the interviews are presented mainly through the point of view of the candidate. We can use the context and cohesion part of the methodology checksheet to show how this comes about, and at the same time deepen our understanding and appreciation of the passage. The point of view checksheet in Topic 8 will also be useful to you when you do the tasks below. It spells out in more detail the point of view aspects of Context and Cohesion. Speech and thought presentation is also an aspect of context and cohesion, but we will deal with that area separately on another page.

Throughout all the pages in this topic you will find a link to enable you to refer to the passage under the 'useful links' section of the menu on the left.







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