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 Ling 131: Language & Style

 Topic 10 (session A) - Prose analysis > Bilgewater: Speech & thought presentation > Task E

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Session Overview
Bilgewater: General
Prose Analysis Methodology
Bilgewater: Lexis
Bilgewater: Foregrounding
Bilgewater: Context & cohesion
Bilgewater: Speech & thought presentation
Bilgewater: Grammar
Methodology checksheet
Topic 10 'tool' summary
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Bilgewater passage

Bilgewater: Speech & thought presentation

Task E - Thought presentation - where does the passage start in thought presentation terms?

As there is such a lot of thought presentation, we don't have the time to look at all of it. Instead, we will concentrate in the remaining tasks on representative examples of different kinds of thought presentation in different parts the passage. The first two examples come from near the beginning.

What category of thought presentation is involved in each example [Tip: the two examples are not the same], and what sorts of effect are associated with them?

After you have made up your mind about them, compare your thoughts with ours.

(1) The interview seemed over.

(10) She wondered whether she would be offered a cigarette.


Our answer





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