International Research Conference, Lancaster UK, 10-12th April 2006
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Symposium: Culture and eLearning Design:
Insights from the eChina~UK Programme

Organiser: Helen Spencer-Oatey
University of Cambridge

Symposium Overview

The aim of this symposium is to explore the question How,and to what extent, may culture impact upon effective eLearning Design? The presenters are all members of the eChina~UK Programme, an initiative established by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and the Chinese Ministry of Education (MoE). The programme comprises a number of Sino–UK collaborative eLearning development projects, along with an overarching research project (see ). In this symposium, culture is defined broadly, to include not only national cultures (Chinese and British), but also professional cultures (e.g. academic and technical) and different communities of practice. The first session of the symposium focuses on Chinese–UK perspectives on pedagogy in relation to eLearning design; the second session takes a project management perspective on the impact of culture on collaboration and eLearning design.

Symposium Papers (.pdf)

The Influence of Chinese Culture on Trainees' Online Behaviours in a Teacher Training Course
Zehang Chen

Culture and eLearning Design - Reflections on Integrating F2F and Online
Eric Brewster, Nicola Cavaleri, Anny King and Christoph Zahner

Intercultural e-learning: Reflections on Developing a Collaborative Approach to Pedagogy and Educational Technology in a Sino–UK Context
Sheena Banks, Vic Lally, Liu Bangxiang and David McConnell

Addressing regulatory issues arising within cross-national, collaborative eLearning development programmes
Caroline Windrum and Charles Crook

International Teamworking and eLearning Design
Helen Spencer-Oatey & Min Tang

Bridging cultures in designing for learning: An eChina project case study
Gordon Joyes

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Keynote Speakers

Peter Goodyear, University of Sydney

Ronghuai Huang,

Beijing Normal University

Vera A. Solis, Universidad Centroamericana

Lawrence Hamburg, Higher Education Academy

Sten Ludvigsen, Intermedia, Oslo

Lancaster University


Higher Education Academy

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