Tropical montane forest conversion is a critical driver for sediment supply in East African catchments. Stenfert Kroese, J., Jacobs, S.R., Tych, W., Breuer, L., Quinton, J.N., Rufino, M.C. (2020) In: Water Resources Research. 56, 10, p. 1-20. 20 p. Download PDF
Soil lifespans and how they can be extended by land use and management change. Evans, D., Quinton, J., Davies, J., Zhao, J., Govers, G. (2020) In: Environmental Research Letters. 15, 9, 10 p.
Arable soil formation and erosion: a hillslope-based cosmogenic nuclide study in the United Kingdom. Evans, D., Quinton, J., Tye, A., Rodes, A., Davies, J., Mudd, S., Quine, T. (2019) In: SOIL. 5, 2, p. 253-263. 11 p. Journal article
On the evaluation of soil erosion models: Are we doing enough? Batista, P.V., Davies, J., Silva, M.L., Quinton, J.N. (2019) In: Earth-Science Reviews. 197, 17 p.
Journal article
Plant diversity and root traits benefit physical properties key to soil function in grasslands. Gould, I., Quinton, J.N., Weigelt, A., De Deyn, G.B., Bardgett, R. (2016) In: Ecology Letters. 19, 9, 10 p. Letter
Keeping agricultural soil out of rivers: evidence of sediment and nutrient accumulation within field wetlands in the UK. Ockenden, M., Deasy, C., Quinton, J., Surridge, B., Stoate, C. (2014) In: Journal of Environmental Management. 135, p. 54-62. 19 p. Journal article
The impact of agricultural soil erosion on biogeochemical cycling. Quinton, J.N., Govers, G., Van Oost, K., Bardgett, R.D. (2010) In: Nature Geoscience. 3, 5, p. 311-314. 4 p. Journal article
Soil lifespans and how they can be extended by land use and management change. Evans, D.L., Quinton, J.N., Davies, J.A., Zhao, J. and Govers, G. (2020) Environmental Research Letters, 15, 9.
Simulating long-term carbon nitrogen and phosphorus biogeochemical cycling in agricultural environments. Janes-Bassett, V., Davies, J., Rowe, E.C. and Tipping, E. (2020) Science of the Total Environment, 714, p.136599.
On the evaluation of soil erosion models: Are we doing enough? Batista, P.V., Davies, J., Silva, M.L. and Quinton, J.N. (2019) Earth-Science Reviews, p.102898.
The business case for soil. Davies, J., (2017) Nature, 543 (7645), p.309.
Long-term increases in soil carbon due to ecosystem fertilization by atmospheric nitrogen deposition demonstrated by regional-scale modelling and observations. Tipping, E., Davies, J.A.C., et al. (2017) Scientific Reports, 7, 1890.
Long-term P weathering and recent N deposition control contemporary plant-soil C, N and P. Davies, J. A. C., E. Tipping, E. C. Rowe, J. F. Boyle, E. Graf Pannatier, and V. Martinsen (2016) Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 29.
In Situ Catchment Scale Sampling of Emerging Contaminants Using Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films (DGT) and Traditional Grab Sampling: A Case Study of the River Thames, UK. Wang, R., Biles, E., Li, Y., Juergens, M., Bowes, M., Jones, K. and Zhang, H. (2020) Environmental Science & Technology, 54(18), pp.11155-11164.
Simulating long-term carbon nitrogen and phosphorus biogeochemical cycling in agricultural environments. Janes-Bassett, V., Davies, J., Rowe, E. and Tipping, E. (2020) Science of The Total Environment, 714, p.136599.
Soil natural capital valuation in agri-food business: An introduction. Janes Bassett, V. and Davies, J. (2018)
Improving bank erosion modelling at catchment scale by incorporating temporal and spatial variability. Janes, V., Holman, I., Birkinshaw, S., O’Donnell, G. and Kilsby, C. (2017) Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 43(1), pp.124-133.
Analysis of fundamental physical factors influencing channel bank erosion: results for contrasting catchments in England and Wales. Janes, V., Nicholas, A., Collins, A. and Quine, T. (2017) Environmental Earth Sciences, 76(7).
The Impacts of Natural Flood Management Approaches on In-Channel Sediment Quality. Janes, V., Grabowski, R., Mant, J., Allen, D., Morse, J. and Haynes, H. (2016) River Research and Applications, 33(1), pp.89-101.
The effect of hedgerow wild‐margins on topsoil hydraulic properties, and overland‐flow incidence, magnitude and water‐quality. Wallace, E.E., McShane, G., Tych, W., Kretzschmar, A., McCann, T. and Chappell, N.A. (2021) Hydrological Processes. Accepted Author Manuscript e14098.
Estimating habitat extent and carbon loss from an eroded northern blanket bog using UAV derived imagery and topography. Scholefield, P.; Morton, D.; McShane, G.; Carrasco, L.; Whitfield, M.G.; Rowland, C.; Rose, R.; Wood, C.; Tebbs, E.; Dodd, B.; Monteith, D. (2019) In: Progress in Physical Geography, Vol. 43, No. 2, 01.04.2019, p. 282-298.
Testing the utility of structure‐from‐motion photogrammetry reconstructions using small unmanned aerial vehicles and ground photography to estimate the extent of upland soil erosion. Glendell, M., McShane, G., Farrow, L., James, M. R., Quinton, J., Anderson, K., Evans, M., Benaud, P., Rawlins, B., Morgan, D., Jones, L., Kirkham, M., DeBell, L., Quine, T. A., Lark, M., Rickson, J., and Brazier, R. E. (2017) Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, 42: 1860– 1871.
Determining E. coli burden on pasture in a headwater catchment: Combined field and modelling approach. Oliver, D.M., Page, T., Zhang, T., Heathwaite, A.L., Beven, K., Carter, H., McShane, G., Keenan, P.O. and Haygarth, P.M. (2012) Environment International, Volume 43, 2012, Pages 6-12, ISSN 0160-4120.
Summer irrigation of pasture enhances the transfer and short-term storage of soil organic carbon in the particulate and mineral-associated organic matter fractions. Carmona, C.R., Clough, T., Beare, M.H., McNally, J.E. and S.R. (2020) Soil Research.
Seasonal irrigation affects the partitioning of new photosynthate carbon in soil. Carmona, C.R., Clough, T., McNally, S.R., Beare, M.H., Hunt, J.E. and Tregurtha, C.S. (2019) Soil Biology Biochemistry, Vol 143, 107751.
Carbon sequestration in a limestone quarry mine soil amended with sewage sludge. Ojeda, G., Ortiz, O., Medina C.R., Perera, I. and Alcañiz, J.M. (2015) Soil Use and Management, Vol 31(2), pp.270–278.
The effects of sealing on urban soil carbon and nutrients. O’Riordan, R., Davies, J., Stevens, C., Quinton, J.N. (2021) SOIL, 7, 661–675.
The ecosystem services of urban soils: A review. O’Riordan, R., Davies, J., Stevens, C., Quinton, J.N., Boyko, C. (2021) Geoderma, 395.
Urban soil microbial community and microbial-related carbon storage are severely limited by sealing. Pereira, M.C., O’Riordan, R. & Stevens, C. (2021) J Soils Sediments, 21, 1455–1465.
Predicting range shifts for critically endangered plants: Is habitat connectivity irrelevant or necessary? Yesuf G., Brown K., Walford N., Rakotoarisoa S. and Rufino M. (2021) Biological Conservation , 256, 109033.
Feeding efficiency gains can increase the greenhouse gas mitigation potential of the Tanzanian Dairy Sector. Hawkins J.,Yesuf G., Zijlstra M., Schoneveld G. and Rufino M. (2021) Scientific Reports.
Intensification of dairy production can increase the GHG mitigation potential of the land use sector in East Africa. Brandt, P., Yesuf G., Rufino, M. and Herold, M. (2020) Global Change Biology.
Assessing regional-scale variability in deforestation and forest degradation rates in a tropical biodiversity hotspot. Yesuf, G., Brown, K. and Walford, N. (2019) Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.
Modelling co-occurrence between toxic prey and naïve predators in an incipient invasion. Brown, K., Farris, Z., Yesuf, G., Gerber, B., Rasambainarivo, F., Karpanty, S., Kelly, M., Razafimhaimodison, J., Larney, E., Wright, P. and Johnson, S. (2016) Biodiversity and conservation, 25(13), pp.2723-2741.
Improving estimates of the economic effects of climate change in integrated assessment models. Prieg, L., Yumashev, D. (2020) In: Environmental Assessments: Scenarios, Modelling and Policy. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar p. 51–67. 17 p. ISBN: 9781788976862. Electronic ISBN: 9781788976879.
Frameworks for Dealing with Climate and Economic Uncertainties in Integrated Assessment Models. Prieg, L., Yumashev, D. (2020) In: Integrated Assessment Models and Others Climate Policy Tools. Oeconomia Editions
Electrical Waste – challenges and opportunities: An Independent study on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) flows in the UK. Sayers, M., Silva, C., Schaer, O., Stowell, A., Yumashev, D., Downes, S., Grantham, L., Laundon, C., McCoach, H. (2020)
A framework for assessing the economic impacts of Arctic change. Alvarez, J., Yumashev, D., Whiteman, G. (2020) In: AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment . 49, 2, p. 407–418. 12 p.
Climate policy implications of nonlinear decline of Arctic land permafrost and other cryosphere elements. Yumashev, D., Hope, C., Schaefer, K., Riemann-Campe, K., Iglesias-Suarez, F., Jafarov, E., Burke, E., Young, P.J., Elshorbany, Y., Whiteman, G. (2019) In: Nature Communications. 2019, 10, 11 p.
Plant-soil nutrient cycling
We are core developers of the N14CP model: a process-based model that simulates biogeochemical cycling of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus between plants and soils for natural and agricultural systems.
European Soil Erosion Model (EUROSEM)
The European Soil Erosion Model was developed in the late 1980s and 1990s by John Quinton and team of European Scientists and represents soil erosion processes using physical representations of erosion processes.