How do I use REACT?
The best way to get around the REACT website is to use the toolbar at the top of the screen. This provides easy links to all the different sections of REACT. Just click on the one you want. The different sections are all described in detail below. If you follow a link in the site and want to go back to where you were, then use your back browser button at the very top left of your screen. All external links will open in a new window so your REACT toolkit will remain open. If at any time you want to go back to this introduction section, just click on the REACT logo in the top left.
REACT is organised into sections called MODULES. You can work through the MODULES in the order they are presented, and there is some logic to this, but you are also welcome to explore the site and go to the bits you find most interesting or useful.
REACT includes lots of information about psychosis and bipolar disorder, and about the kinds of treatments available. There are lots of practical coping strategies suggested for you to try. We have included ways to access emotional support through REACT by hearing the stories of other relatives[full], and being able to share your own experience[/full]. The stories on the site are real stories, but to protect the privacy of the people telling them, some of them are retold by actors.
REACT SUPPORTERS are trained people who are also relatives. On this page you can send them a direct message; the REACT Supporters are here to help you to use the site, direct you to resources and signpost you to other methods of support. The REACT Supporters can also get information from other people in our team if they need to – the team includes psychologists, a psychiatrist, and a GP. The supporters can give you information, but they can’t give advice on what you should do. Only you can make a decision that is right for you. You will get an email when the supporter replies to your message or just refresh the page to see if there’s a reply.
The messages between you and the REACT supporter are private but they may ask other members of the research team for advice on how to answer your query. At the end of the study, the messages will be analysed to see what the main types of questions are. The supporters will only go outside the team and break confidentiality if they think you or someone else is in immediate danger.
We aim to monitor the site Monday to Friday, 9am – 4:30pm, excluding bank holidays and Christmas. You may get a different person replying depending on which day it is. The supporters do try to get back to you as soon as possible, but it may be that they want to double check something before replying, or they’re out of the office and so can’t respond immediately.
If you haven’t heard back within a reasonable amount of time, please email us reactsupporter@lancaster.ac.uk
If you click on the REACT GROUP button it will take you to a discussion forum where you can talk to other relatives also using the site. This is really useful if you want to hear about how other relatives have managed similar problems to those you are facing, or want information that other relatives may have.
Your comments on the REACT GROUP will be attached to your username and visible to everyone else using the site, so make sure you choose a name you are happy to identify yourself as. We want the REACT GROUP to be a comfortable space for everyone, so we have a few ground rules for everyone to follow. You can find these, and more information on how to join in with the forum, on the FAQ page.
My Toolbox and My Account
If you click on the MY TOOLBOX button, it takes you to your own private space where you can store links to things you want to keep. These might be favourite pages on the site to come back to, or links to other websites you have found useful. You can save your reflections on each of the MODULES here too so you can come back to them at any time. This space is private and won’t be seen by anyone apart from you. To save a page to simply click the Save to Toolbox icon at the top right of any page.
In MY TOOLBOX you will also find My Account. This is where you can see your activity on the REACT group, change your password and edit your email preferences.
Resource Directory
The TOOLKIT may have all the information you need, but we have included lots of ideas of where else to look for further information in the RESOURCE DIRECTORY. This also includes a section explaining common jargon terms used throughout the TOOLKIT.
We have included lots of national organisations, and a map to show resources local to you. [full]We would encourage you to tell us about any groups / support services in your area that you think other relatives could benefit from knowing about. Just send a message to the REACT SUPPORTERS and they will put it up for you.
We are always keen to get feedback (good and bad) about REACT so we can continue to improve it. If you want to give feedback at any time, just click on the FEEDBACK button and send us an email. We promise to listen and try to address it if we can.