Hello, I’m Adam and this is my Page. I think the best way to introduce myself is through few paragraphs I wrote for the STOR-i MRes website:
I graduated from Lancaster University in 2022 with an MSci in Mathematics, allowing me to study topics ranging from group theory and combinatorics to statistical fundamentals. During my undergraduate degree I had a keen interest in learning about probability and modelling, completing a group report in my second year on Markov chains and stochastic processes. Following this I chose to study more statistical modules, where I found a love for Bayesian inference. This led to me writing my dissertation on the Dixon-Coles sports model under a classical and Bayesian perspective, with further reading on dynamic model averaging.
In the summer of 2021, I took part in the summer research internship, where I was introduced to the warm environment of STOR-i (albeit through Microsoft Teams). For my research I was looking at stochastic games under the supervision of a PhD student. After completing the internship, I knew I wanted to be a part of the STOR-i.
As mentioned before, I really admired the way STOR-i creates a warm, collaborative and determined environment for research to take place, and the fact that I am allowed to take time to think about what I want to research during the MRes. I can’t wait to see what I end up researching and see what opportunities open up during my time at STOR-i!
Outside of academia I have some generic hobbies such as board games, however the sport that seems to take up more of my free time than perhaps I would like is Ultimate Frisbee. The niche sport allows me to travel up and down the country playing in many different cities both indoors and outdoors, representing both at club and university level.