In this section of the website I will present all major parts of work produced during my MRes year. Below you will find a picture of my lovely 2022 MRes cohort:

As a part of the STOR-i PhD programme the first year is made up of a Masters of Research (MRes) year. The course consists of 5 weeks of taught modules followed by intensive group work across the main STOR-i topic range – brining you up to Christmas.
The second term then becomes a lot more independent in nature with 2 reports due on different topic areas along with masterclasses, presentations and poster sessions. This leads you into the final term where your PhD proposal is written.
It’s not all doom and gloom though, as you will get to work with like minded peers and have your own MRes office, as well as a shared space with PhD students who are warm and welcome. Events are also organised amongst the students, such as weekly forums, student support sessions and more social events such as the cheese & wine night (as pictured above).
If this course sounds like something that would interest you I would whole-heartedly recommend it. More information about STOR-i can be found here, or alternatively watch this video: