3.1 Diary (B/D/A) and Portfolio (B) as tools for monitoring one's
Intercultural Learning
3.1.1 Diary and Learning Log
3.1.2 Portfolio
3.2 Introduction to Cultural Identity (B)
3.2.1 The Self. Issues of Conformity. Norms of Behaviour
3.2.2 Subcultures and Micro-Communities. Personal Sociogram
3.3 Stereotypes and Intercultural Incidents (B/D/A)
3.3.1 Stereotypes
3.3.2 Intercultural Incidents and Quizzes
3.4 Sociolinguistic Awareness and Competence(B/D/A)
3.4.1 Linguistic Diversity in Home Culture
3.4.2 Linguistic Diversity in Host Culture
3.5 Expectations, Motivations, Objectives(B/D/A)
3.5.1 Expectations, motivation, objectives in preparation for the year abroad
3.5.2 Expectations, motivation, objectives after the year abroad
4 Assessment format
4.1 Portfolio
4.2 Presentation on return
4.3 Analytical account of intercultural learning (diary-based)
5 Appendix
Module as presented for validation at the University of Central Lancashire
6 References