Work package 2

Scoping exercises



Scope existing disaster management policy and practice and existing disaster risk reduction/preparedness programmes or public policy in partner countries:

  • What disaster risk reduction and resilience building programmes currently exist for urban contexts?
  • What assumptions are made about children and young people in these policies and programmes?
  • What is the role of the different actors, from civil protection agencies to schools and voluntary institutions, in designing or implementing protection plans and building resilience?
  • To what degree do children and young people participate in disaster management?
  • Are a range of different cultural perspectives taken into account? For example, cultures of disability, social class, disadvantage, gender, ethnicity, marginalisation.
  • How are these cultures perceived as a) strengths? and b) vulnerabilities?

Description of work

This work package is led by the Open University of Catalonia with contributions (and translated abstracts) where necessary from all partners.

Task 1 Identify and characterise public/private/voluntary institutions/NGOs in participating countries that are responsible for, or work in this field

Task 2 Review national, regional and selected local disaster policies across the partner countries. Engage with key practitioners to understand how policies are implemented e.g. municipalities, local resilience forums, schools, national civil protection organisations, voluntary organisations involved in disasters and assumptions made about children/young people.

Task 3 Map existing children’s resilience building programmes and review available evidence of effectiveness. Scope current third sector and joint research

Task 4 Review of current and previous EU and other research on disaster/emergency recovery and resilience in urban contexts and children’s risk perception

Task 5 Collate examples of best practice in policy, practice and programmes, create case studies


D2.1 Report combining review; implementation overview; best practice case studies (Month 12)