People sitting around a desk working from laptops. The image is shot from directly overhead.

Researcher Career Development Group (RCAD)

The Research Career Development Group (RCaD) is open to researchers in FHM who share an interest in furthering their own career development and in strengthening organisational support for research career development and progression.

Who are we?

Researcher Career Development Group (RCAD) is open to researchers on time-limited contracts at Lancaster University who share an interest in career development and in strengthening organisational support for research career progression. We welcome researchers at early career stages as well as those who already have varying levels of research experience.

What do we do?

We meet on the fourth Tuesday of every month from 12.30-1.30pm to discuss areas of interest or issues that affect research and career development in a friendly and informal atmosphere. Meeting are hybrid via Teams or in-person in the HiOne campus building. Some meetings also include guest speakers from staff working in other departments. We also provide representation of RCAD and the issues that researchers face at Divisional and Faculty Research Committees.

Each year we organise a career development event, which is typically workshop style with an external facilitator with expertise in a topic of interest.


We have representatives that attend divisional meetings and also have established roles within the group:

  • Co-Chairs – Margaret Sandars, Naoimh McMahon
  • Membership and meeting organiser – Emma Halliday
  • Meeting note taker – Michelle Collins
  • Website and communications – Calum Carson
  • FHM EDI committee - Alejandra Zarate Potes (BLS), Laura Wareing (LMS), Michelle Collins (DHR), Calum Carson
  • A
  • B
  • F
  • G
  • I
  • J
  • K
  • L
  • N
  • O
  • P
  • Q
  • R
  • U
  • V
  • X
  • Y

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2023 Meeting dates

28th February

28th March

25th April

23rd May

27th June

25th July

Annual event

June 2023

Please email Emma Halliday or Hazel Morbey with any questions or if you would like to join future meetings.