15th MARCH - 17th MARCH 2022

2022 Conference Information

Conference research presentations

A big thank you to all presenters for sharing your research with us at the conference. Once again, we are delighted that the conference presenters, support teams and delegates come from all Lancaster Partners, both in the UK and across the world.

The research presentations are hosted on this bespoke conference presentation website. Each presenter has their own page, which can be viewed by clicking on the ‘presentations‘ section of this website. You can search by presenter name, by broad academic discipline, or simply view at random to discover the wide range of research work going on at Lancaster University.

We also have an MS Teams site, open for the duration of the conference (3 days), which you can access from the ‘Go to Conference’ button present on every page. From this Teams site you are able to access all the conference live presentations, where you are able to listen to, ask questions of the presenters and chat to other participants.


Conference talks

The programme provides an overview of the talks, which will be held each day. More detailed information and links to join the talks can be found on the Teams site for each day (press the ‘Go to Conference’ button).

The conference will start on Tuesday 15th March with the official opening by Professor Jane Taylor, and a welcome from Professor Andy Schofield, the Vice-Chancellor of Lancaster University. This will be followed by our conference keynote address by Dr David Sobral, from the Physics department at Bailrigg campus. We hope all of you will join David as he sets the scene for the conference with his talk entitled ‘The sky is never the limit for curiosity-driven (UG) research‘.

Each morning thereafter, the day will host student talks along with a presentation from each of the eight 8 Lancaster University Partners. If you have ever wondered where our partners are, and what goes on at each of them, then join these sessions to find out.

At the end of each talk there will be an opportunity to ask questions, and all talks will be recorded and posted on to the conference Teams site.

On the final day of the conference the conference will be formally closed by with Fiona Kusche Y2, Management, Lancaster Leipzig & Professor Wendy Robinson Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education at Lancaster Bailrigg. Fiona will award the Advocates Choice award and Wendy will also be awarding prizes for the best conference research presentations for subject area and overall prize.

Please take a look at the programme timetable and the specific daily Teams channel for further details and instruction on how to join the conference talks. We look forward to seeing you there!


Presenter Talks

The programme provides an overview of the talks, which will be held each day. More detailed information and links to join the talks can be found on the Teams site for each day (press the ‘Go to Conference’ button).

The Conference Advocates, a group of students from across the world who have collaboratively to build the conference programme and will host and facilitate the event. This year the Advocates will host two forms of student presentations on the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Spotlight on Presenters is a great opportunity to find out more about the presenter research and presenters have 5 minutes to introduce themselves and their research.

Global Research Insights provides us with an opportunity to find out more about the research being undertaken, presenters have 15 minutes, which will give us insight into their research and time for questions and discussion.

This is a great opportunity to find out more about the presenter research, and ask questions. It is also an opportunity for presenters to get feedback on their research and webpage presentations, so please do come along and ask questions. This is a live session, with a different set of conference advocates and presenters each day and the links to the Teams site will be circulated.

You are able to find out which talks will take place each day from the programme, which is found on the menu of this website.


Conference presentation prizes

All our presenters and all our support teams are winners! The research presentations webpages will continue to be live online after the conference, hosted on the University Institute for Curriculum Enhancement webpage.  This showcase of undergraduate presenters work will be open for all to admire – what a winner for your CV! In addition, all presenters and support team members will receive a certificate in recognition of their achievement.

On the last day of the conference there will be prizes awarded in a range of categories:

  • Advocates Choice award – chosen and presented by the Conference Advocates
  • Best Arts and Social Science presentation webpage
  • Best STEM computing presentation webpage
  • Best STEM other presentation webpage
  • Best Overall presentation webpage.

Join us on the last day for the prize giving during the closing address by Professor Wendy Robinson, Lancaster PVC for Education. Check the programme timetable for the conference closing and prizes award event.