Anatomy of a Soldier tells the story of a British captain injured in Afghanistan. From this compelling starting point, author Harry Parker adds a twist: forty-five objects narrate the story. Though a bestseller this book wasn’t on my radar until Ole B. Jensen, when...
Difference, repetition, movement
This week's Cemore reading group meandered to Deleuze's Difference and Repetition, because Baudrillard (last reading) made us curious about the symbolic as an act of exchange. We found Deleuze 'therapeutic' and not amenable to an instrumental method or epistemology....
Mobile Utopia: Pasts, Presents, Futures Cemore|T2M|Cosmobilities Conference
Cemore is hosting the 2017 Mobilities Conference. This is jointly organised by Cemore, the International Association for Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M), and the Cosmobilities network, in association with the Institute for Social Futures. We're delighted to host...
Difference and Repetition
Cemore Reading Group, Wednesday February 1st, 4-5pm, Bowland North B37 (Mobilities Lab). The Cemore reading group will next meet to discuss the Introduction to Gilles Deleuze's Difference and Repetition (London: Continuum Books, 2004 [1968], pp. 1-37). It will be...
Knowledge Exchange on ELSI in Disaster Risk Management
Sharing information in disasters can raise complex ethical, legal and social issues (ELSI). At a workshop with emergency practitioners, commercial and academic developers of information sharing platforms, and experts on digital ethics and law, the SecInCoRe project...
Researching and communicating disasters, one tweet at a time
How to navigate through the noise of social media and communicate effectively in disaster situations? Lise Ann St Denis, from the University of Colorado, Boulder, has visited CeMoRe to give a seminar on this topic. Lise Ann St Denis has looked at a grassroots...
Deep mapping the Duddon Valley
Artist Nikki Pugh has been awarded a Visiting Fellowship to help support a collaboration with Dr Christopher Donaldson (Lecturer in Regional History and Co-Investigator on the Leverhulme Trust-funded Geospatial Innovation in the Digital Humanities: A Deep Mapping of...
Death Studies Special Issue
All papers for The Death Studies Special Issue have been received and are currently being reviewed. The issue will be published in February 2018. This issue was inspired by the Futures of the End of Life Symposium hosted at Lancaster University in January 2016. It...
Symbolic Exchange & Death
18th January 2017 Chapter 5 Political Economy and Death (p. 125-194) from Baudrillard, Jean 1993. Symbolic Exchange and Death. London/Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Chaired by Miriam Schreiter. Here's how it starts: As soon as savages began to call 'men' only those...