The Mobile Utopia Experiment

Project Details

Live Website

Project Dates: project ended

Project Lead at Lancaster:


The Mobile Utopia Experiment is a creative enactment of a mobile utopia made concrete and personal in Lancaster, a medium-size university town. The enactment envisages how people, objects, ideas, resources will travel in a near-ish future of 2051.

When and Where:

  • 1st November 12:15 – 5:00 pm Town Library, Market Sq., Lancaster City Centre
  • 2nd November 09:00 – 12:00 pm Lancaster University Lancaster Conference Centre and Infolab (LCC, South West Campus, and INF South Campus, see map here)

Enactment is facilitated through a game, its components are activities, lived, prefigurative enactments of mobile utopias in the here and now. The Mobile Utopia Experiment explores different ‘pockets’ of futures. Read more here.

It explores, for example:

  • the social life and moral order of traffic as it increasingly incorporates ‘driverless’ mobile pods, dynamic on-demand ride sharing, a more densely populated vertical dimension, as well as incorporating more walking and cyclin
  • social and material practices of mobilities of transport, work, home and leisure
  • the im|material im|mobilities of air currents, nano technologies and data