Serious Play: Futures of Disaster Risk Management 5-7 April 2019
Monika Buscher is presenting serious gaming as a method for training incident commanders in humanitarian response, and leading a set of workshops at the Bavarian Disaster Risk Management Congress. 11. Bayerischer Katastrophenschutz-Kongress mit 7. Fachkongress...
Mobilising Social Science: ESRC IAA Launch 2 April 2019
We are excited to inform you that Lancaster University recently received formal confirmation of funding for our Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Impact Acceleration Account (IAA). Cemore Director Monika Buscher, the Academic Lead for the ESRC IAA says: The...
Book Launch: Bicycle Utopias – Cosmin Popan 19 February 2019
Bicycle Utopias investigates the future of urban mobilities and post-car societies, arguing that the bicycle can become the nexus around which most human movement will revolve. Drawing on literature on post-car futures (Urry 2007; Dennis and Urry 2009), transition...
Cemore Showcase 26th February 2019
The CeMoRe February Showcase and lunch will be on 26th February 13.00-14.45 in LICA A27 and the LICA Foyer, Lancaster University. This is event is open to all who would like to attend and watch the presentations. If you want to be sure of sufficient lunch, and to...
Mobilising Research 1st February 2019
Monika is discussing her ideas on a great mobilities transformation and the need to mobilise research at a Symposium on Mobilities and Transformation: Understanding Societies, Economies, and Environments on the Move at the doctorate school “On the move: people,...
20th Public Safety Communications Conference at CeMoRe 5-6 June 2019
The 20th PSCE Conference will take place in Lancaster, UK, on 4-6 June 2019, in collaboration with Lancaster University. PSCE, the Public Safety Communications Europe Forum was established as a result of a European Commission funded project in 2008. Since then, PSCE...
Is there an App for that? Data Mobilities and Disaster CeMoRe @ Campus in the City: 9 and 13th March 2019
Imagine how communities and emergency agencies will respond to disasters like Storm Desmond in the future. Mobile technologies, drones, sensors, artificial intelligence, data analysis and mapping techniques will play an ever greater role, as will citizen...
Therapeutic Mobilities: Mobilities Special Issue February 2019
This Special Issue published in February 2019 expands mobilities research through the idea of therapeutic mobilities. Therapeutic mobilities consist of multiple movements of health-related things and beings, including, though not limited to, nurses, doctors, patients,...
Thiago Allis, University of São Paulo, Brazil, John Urry Fellow Seminar: “Tourism Mobilities”
CeMoRe and the Department of Sociology at Lancaster University are thrilled to announce our John Urry Fellow for 2018-19, Thiago Allis, and to welcome him to Lancaster from 22nd January- 15th February 2019. Thiago will be the second awardee of the John Urry...
Making IT Personal: Radically Reflexive Resilience Monika Buscher Keynote @ISCRAM 2019 22-
Monika Buscher is a keynote speaker at the 16th International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Crisis Response and Management in Valencia, 19-22nd May. She will be discussing Futures of Disaster Response. Making IT Personal: Radically Reflexive Resilience The...
Previous Cemore Fellowships
Rachel Aldred Tarini Bedi David Bissell Owen Chapman Cathy Coleborne Martin Emanuel Tricia Flanagan Ole B Jensen Jamie O’Brien Nikki Pugh Robin Smith Holly Thorpe
Previous Visitors
Thiago Allis Zofia Bednarowska Kornelia Hahn Claus Lassen Camila Dos Santos Moraes Bianca Freire Medeiros Miriam Schreiter
To apply for Cemore Fellowship, please see here. Cemore also warmly welcomes visitors. To find out more, please contact Aurora Trujillo.