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Home > Research > ESRC Professorial Fellowship 2010-13 Great Transformations: A Cultural Political Economy of Crisis-Management

ESRC Professorial Fellowship (2010-13) Great Transformations: A Cultural Political Economy of Crisis-Management

  • Ref. No.: RES-051-27-0303
  • Grant: £ 455,443.76
  • Principal Investigator and Grant Holder: Bob Jessop
  • Research Associate: Amelie Kutter and Michael Farrelly (collaborating)
  • Research Student: Mathis Heinrich
  • Research Assistants: Matteo Di Cristofaro, Sten Hansson
  • Advisory Board: Mats Benner, Frank Fischer, Jerzy Hausner, Martin Jones, Ngai-Ling Sum, Ruth Wodak



Economic crisis management has concerned governments and other responsible authorities from 2008. Yet crises are complex and subject to many attempts to interpret and explain them, to identify causes, attribute responsibility, assess their scale, scope, and significance, the need for minor changes or major reforms, and translate proposed solutions into feasible policies.

This trans-disciplinary research project focuses on the complex and multi-faceted economic crisis that became evident in 2007 and will explore these issues through to 2011. Its key research questions are:

  1. Have accounts of the 'crisis' changed from 2007 and which interpretations have become dominant?
  2. Do the main varieties of capitalism have different forms of crisis within this context and/or do they favour different interpretations and solutions?
  3. What new approaches to crisis-management have been proposed and how are they evaluated?
  4. Have crisis dynamics prompted new forms of multi-level governance and meta-governance?

Different literatures and methodologies are used to answer these questions, respectively: corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis; actor-centred institutional analysis of varieties of capitalism and their place in the world market; studies of governance and governmentality; and studies on the EU's open method of coordination as sources of insight into global crisis-management.

For more information download the Progress Report of Period 1 (pdf) and Progress Report of Period 2 (pdf).


Recent events

Project Conference: Never Waste a Crisis. Strategies of Representing and Managing Crisis After the Crash, 1-2 November, 2012, Midland Hotel Morecambe

For more details see the conferences and seminars page.

Recent project presentations

2013 'Discourse-Analytical Entry Points to the Political Economy of Crisis and Crisis Management.' Presentation given by Amelie Kutter at the Workshop 'Post-Positivist Approaches to International Political Economy and Economic Thought?', Erfurt University, 11-12 January

2012 'The Eurozone-Crisis and its Management'. DELC departmental lecture given by Amelie Kutter, Lancaster University, 10 December

2012 'The Eurozone-Crisis and German Crisis Management'. Presentation given by Amelie Kutter at the KFG Conference 'The Financial Crises in comparative regional perspective:Can Europe Learn from other Regions?, FU Berlin, 23-24 November

2012 Strategies of Perpetuation. How Financial Journalists Maintain Economic Imaginaries in Times of Crisis. Presentation given by Amelie Kutter at the CPERC Crisis Conference, Morecambe, 1-2 November

2012 'What Crisis? Historical Analogies and European Crisis Discourse.' Presentation by Mathis Heinrich at the Interpretative Policy Analysis Conference, Tilburg University, 5-7 July

2012 'State Redux? Crisis Narratives in the German Financial Press.' Presentation given by Amelie Kutterat the Interpretative Policy Analysis Conference, Tilburg University, 5-7 July

2012 ‘Meaning-making and structuration: how cultural political economy can inform a combined corpus and discourse analysis of crisis representations.’ Presentation to be given by Bob Jessop and Amelie Kutter in the LIP Group, Lancaster University, 28 May

2012 'Adjusting Imbalances. Crisis Narratives in the German Financial Press'. Presentation given by Amelie Kutter at the PSA Conference, Belfast, 3-5 April

2012 'A Cultural Political Economy of the Global Financial Crisis: Representing Crisis in the British Press'. Presentation given by Michael Farrelly and Veronika Koller at the PSA Conference, Belfast, 3-5 April

2012 'Imagined recoveries, recovered imaginaries: construing crises and exit strategies in different phases of the Global Financial Crisis and the Eurozone Crisis'. Presentation given by Bob Jessop at the conference 'Sprachliche Konstruktionen sozial- und wirtschaftspolitischer Krisen in der Bundesrepublik von 1973 bis heute', Trier University (Robert Schuman-Haus Trier), 8 March

2012 'Krisenlektionen in der deutschen Finanzpresse: zur Kombination von Korpus- und Diskursanalyse' [Crisis lessons in the German financial press: combining corpus and discourse analysis]. Presentation given by Amelie Kutter at the conference 'Sprachliche Konstruktionen sozial- und wirtschaftspolitischer Krisen in der Bundesrepublik von 1973 bis heute', Trier University (Robert Schuman-Haus Trier), 8 March

2012 'Transformation of the European financial sphere'. Presentation given by Mathis Heinrich at the Northern International Political Economy network meeting at Lancaster University, 17 February

2012 'Their death was prematurely reported: imaginaries of socio-economic formation in the German financial press'. Presentation given by Amelie Kutter at the Northern International Political Economy network meeting at Lancaster University, 17 February

2012 'A Cultural Political Economy of Financial Crisis: Money Forms, Crisis Displacement, and Deficit Hysteria'. Presentation given by Bob Jessop at the Northern International Political Economy network meeting at Lancaster University, 17 February

2012 'The Eurozone Crisis and Why it is so Hard to Resolve'. Public lecture give by Bob Jessop at the Derpartment of European Cultures and Languages, Lancaster University, 13 February. Download the powerpoint

2012 'A Tale of Two Crises: the Asian Crisis in Korea, 1997-2001, and the North Atlantic Crisis in the UK, 2007-2012'. Presentation given by Joo-Hyoung Ji (Institute of Social Science, Sugang/Lancaster) and Bob Jessop, at the CPERC seminar Lancaster University, 8 February


Recent/upcoming project publications

2013 (forthcoming) Heinrich, Mathis and Kutter, Amelie 'A Critical Juncture in EU Integration? The Eurozone Crisis and its Management 2010-2012.' In: F. E. Panizza and G. Philip (eds) The Politics of Financial Crisis. Comparative Perspectives. London: Routledge.

2013 (forhcoming) Kutter, Amelie 'Krisen-Diskurs-Analyse. Korpusgestützte Explorationen der nordatlantischen Finanzkrise aus politisch-ökonoischer Perspektive [Cirsis Discourse Analysis. Exploring the North-Atlantic Financial from the Perspective of Political Economy]. In: M. Wengeler and A. Ziem (eds) Sprachliche Konstruktionen sozial- und wirtschaftspolitischer ?Krisen" in der BRD. Bremen: Hempen.

2013 Kutter, Amelie 'Totgesagte leben länger: die Fortschreibung ökonomischer Ordnung in der Finanzpresse [Their death was prematurely reported: imaginations of economic formation in the financial press].' In: J. Maeße (ed) Ökonomie, Diskurs, Regierung: Interdiszplinäre Perspektiven. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 95-120

2013 (in press) Jessop, Bob 'The global financial crisis and varieties of capitalism: a Minsky moment and/or a Marx moment? And perhaps Weber too?', in P. Tridico, ed., Financial Crisis, Labour Markets and Institutions, London: Routledge

2012 Jessop, Bob 'Beyond finance-dominated capitalism? Critical reflections on growth regimes', Capital & Class (in press)

2012 Jessop, Bob 'Economic and ecological crises: Green New Deals and no-growth economies', Development. 55 (1), 17-24.

2012 Kutter, Amelie 'Totgesagte leben länger: die Fortschreibung ökonomischer Ordnung in der Finanzpresse', in: Maeße, Jens (ed): Ökonomie, Diskurs, Regierung. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag (under review).

2012 Bieling, Hans-Jürgen & Mathis Heinrich 'Die Transformation des europäischen Finanzsystems: Initiativen, Konflikte und Alternativen. Berlin: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (funded by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation)

2012 Kutter, Amelie & Cathleen Kantner 'Corpus-Based Content Analysis: A Method for Investigating News Coverage on War and Intervention' International Relations Online Working Paper 2012/01

2012 Jessop, Bob  ‘Narratives of crisis and crisis response: perspectives from North and South’, in P. Utting et al., The Global Crisis and Transformative Change, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 23-42.

2012 Jessop, Bob  ‘The world market, variegated capitalism, and the crisis of European integration’, in P. Nousios et al., eds, Globalisation and European Integration, London: Routledge, 91-111.

2011 Jessop, Bob: 'Rethinking the diversity of capitalism: varieties of capitalism, variegated capitalism, and the world market' in G. Wood and C. Lane, eds, Capitalist Diversity and Diversity within Capitalism, London: Routledge, 209-237.

2010 Koller, Veronika and Michael Farrelly: 'Darstellungen der Finanzkrise 2007/08 in den britischen Printmedien', Aptum.

2010 Jessop, Bob: 'The 'return' of the national state in the current crisis of the world market', Capital & Class, 34 (1), 38-43.

2010 Jessop, Bob: 'The continuing ecological dominance of neoliberalism in the crisis', in: A. Saad-Filho and G. Yalman (eds.): Neo-liberalism in Middle-Income Countries, London: Routledge, 24-38.


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