Current challenges in learning design and pedagogical patterns research
Symposium Organiser: Gráinne Conole
Open University, UK
Gráinne Conole
Open University,
Symeon Retalis, Mary Katsamani, Petros Georgiakakis, Georgia Lazakidou, Ourania Petropoulou
University of Piraeus, Greece
Theodoros Kargidis
Technological Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece
Luis Pablo Prieto, Sara Villagrá-Sobrino, Yannis Dimitriadis, Iván M. Jorrín-Abellán, Alejandra Martínez-Monés, Rocío Anguita-Martínez
University of Valladolid, Spain
Panagiota Alevizou, Gráinne Conole, Juliette Culver and Rebecca Galley
The Open University, UK |
S.02 |
Exploring sociotechnical theories of learning technology
Symposium Organisers: Linda Creanor
Caledonian Academy, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
Dr Steve Walker
Dept. of Communications and Systems, Open University,
Linda Creanor
Caledonian Academy, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
Dr Steve Walker
Dept. of Communications and Systems, the Open University,
Frances Bell
Information Systems, Organisation and Society Research
Centre, Salford Business School
Chris Bissell
Department of Communication and Systems, The Open University,
Karen Kear
Department of Communication and Systems, The Open University,
S.06 |
Design for problem and project based learning in a networked society
Symposium Organiser: Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld
Aalborg University, Denmark
Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld
Aalborg University, Denmark
Oluf Danielsen
Roskilde Universitet, Denmark
Jørgen Lerche Nielsen
Roskilde Universitet, Denmark
Elsebeth Korsgaard Sorensen
Aarhus University, Denmark
Janni Nielsen
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Karin Levinsen, Birgitte Holm Sørensen,
Aarhus University, Denmark |
S.01 |
The Space Occupied by Networked Learning in the Higher Education Curriculum:
Revisiting the Networked Learning Manifesto
Symposium Organisers: Vivien Hodgson
Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK
Liz Beaty
University of Cumbria, UK
Glynis Cousin
University of Wolverhampton, UK
Liz Beaty
University of Cumbria, UK
Glynis Cousin
University of Wolverhampton, UK
Vivien Hodgson
Lancaster University Management School, UK
Vivien Hodgson, Michael Reynolds
Department of Management Learning and Leadership, Lancaster University
Management School, UK
Liz Beaty
Pro Vice Chancellor, University of Cumbria, UK
James Howard
Centre for the Development of Learning & Teaching, University
of Cumbria, UK
Paul Brett, Glynis Cousin
University of Wolverhampton, UK |
S.03 |
Networked learning, the Net Generation and Digital Natives
Symposium Organiser: Chris Jones
The Institute of Educational Technology, Open University, UK
Antoine van den Beemt
Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Sanne Akkerman, P. Robert-Jan Simons
IVLOS Institute of Education, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Ruslan Ramanau,
The Open University Business School, The Open University, UK
Anesa Hosein, Chris Jones,
The Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University,
Chris Jones and Graham Healing
The Institute of Educational Technology, Open University, UK
Linda Corrin, Sue Bennett, Lori Lockyer
Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong
Rebecca Eynon
Department of Education & Oxford Internet Institute, University
of Oxford
Laura Czerniewicz, Cheryl Brown
Centre for Educational Technology, University of Cape Town |
S.04 |
Innovative approaches to professional development
Symposium Organiser: Janet Macdonald
Learning Development Team, Open University in Scotland
Contributors: Barbara Poniatowska
Learning Innovation Office, The Open University, UK
Laura Hills, Steve Swithenby
Centre for Open Learning in Mathematics, Science, Computing and Technology, Open University, UK
Keren Mills, Non Scantlebury, Jo Parker
The Open University Library, The Open University, UK
Janet Macdonald and Anne Campbell
Open University in Scotland |
S.05 |
International Tutor Perspectives on Undergraduate Networked Learning Environments
Symposium Organiser: Gale Parchoma
Educational Research, Lancaster University, UK
Alex Bell
School of Computing Business & Tourism, Trinity University College, Wales
Maria Zenios, Gale Parchoma
Educational Research, Lancaster University
Justin Bonzo
Assessment and Curriculum: Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia
Gale Parchoma
Educational Research, Lancaster University
Hans Oberg
IT-service, University of Skovde
Maria Zenios, Gale Parchoma
Educational Research, Lancaster University
Chrysoula Themelis
Athens Campus, Hellenic-American University
Gale Parchoma, Michael Reynolds
Educational Research, Lancaster University |
S.08 |
Web 2.0 and Problem Based Learning in Enterprise Architecture Training – Developing a Learning Methodology
Symposium Organiser: Thomas Ryberg
Aalborg University, Denmark
Louise Nørgaard Glud, Lillian Buus, Thomas Ryberg, Marianne Georgsen, Jacob Davidsen
Department of Communication and Psychology, e-Learning Lab – Centre for User Driven Innovation, Learning and Design, Aalborg University
Thomas Ryberg, Louise Nørgaard Glud, Lillian Buus, Marianne Georgsen
Department of Communication and Psychology, e-Learning Lab – Centre for User Driven Innovation, Learning and Design, Aalborg University
Lillian Buus, Marianne Georgsen, Thomas Ryberg, Louise Nørgaard Glud, Jacob Davidsen
Department of Communication and Psychology, e-Learning Lab – Centre for User Driven Innovation, Learning and Design, Aalborg University |
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0012 |
As Assisting Others' Performance
Habibah Ab Jalil, Universiti Putra, Selangor, Malaysia
Angela McFarlane, University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom
Maarten de Laat, University of Utrecht, Netherlands, Netherlands |
0046 |
Learning ten years on: the rise of the Virtual Graduate School
Barbara Allan, Chris Thomson, University of Hull, Hull, United
Sheena Banks, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom |
0023 |
One more
tool – or exploring the practice of introducing new technologies
in dispersed communities
Patricia Arnold, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, University
of Applied Sciences Munich, Munich, Germany
John Smith, Learning Alliances, Portland, United States
Beverly Trayner, Independent, Grass Valley, CA, United States |
0034 |
understanding of the philosophy of science through immediate and
mediated resources
Maarit Arvaja, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä,
Finland |
0042 |
Reading screens:
a critical visual analysis
Sian Bayne, Zoe Williamson, Jen Ross, University of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh, United Kingdom |
0028 |
Networks for Lifelong Learning: An Exploratory Survey on Distance
Learners' preferences
Adriana J. Berlanga, Ellen Rusman, Jannes Eshuis, Henry Hermans,
Peter Sloep, Open University of The Netherlands, Heerlen, Netherlands |
0027 |
Life Behind
The Screen: Taking the Academic Online
Stuart Boon, Christine Sinclair, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow,
Scotland, United Kingdom |
0031 |
shareable form to collective thought using a Shared Thinking approach
Nicholas Bowskill, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom |
0054 |
Grounded Theory: Beyond Comparison?
Sally Bradley, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom |
The creative
power of online collaborative environment: Using Knowledge Forum
as an example
Yu-Hui Chang, Huang-Yao Hong, National Chengchi University, Taiwan,
Taipei, Taiwan |
0025 |
Brokering Practice: A constellation of practices perspective
Fei-Ching Chen, Hsiu-Mei Chang, National Central University,
Chung-Li City, Taiwan
Thomas Wang, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan |
0015 |
Using Participatory
Evaluation to Support Collaboration in an Interdisciplinary Context
Gill Clough, Gráinne Conole, Eileen Scanlon, Open University,
Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom |
0047 |
An Empirical
Study: The Implementation of a Virtual Learning Environment and
Thomas Connolly, Carole Gould, Tom Hainey, University of the
West of Scotland, Paisley, United Kingdom
Brian Boyle, Stuart Waugh, EKGTA Ltd, Glasgow, United Kingdom |
0009 |
the Traditional Theorisation on Group Development: An International
Online Perspective
Lucilla Crosta, Lancaster University, Glasgow, United Kingdom
David McConnell, Glasgow Caledonian University, Lancaster, United
Kingdom |
0049 |
SNAPP: Realising
the affordances of real-time SNA within networked learning environments
Shane Dawson, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada
Aneesha Bakharia, University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD, Australia
Elizabeth Heathcote, Heathcote Consulting, Wollongong, NSW, Australia |
0024 |
Cops' creation
and evolution sustained by ICT tools and services
Brigitte Denis, Perrine Fontaine, Université de Liège,
Liège, Belgium |
0011 |
Teaching with
wikis and blogs: Potentials and pitfalls
Nina Bonderup Dohn, University of Southern Denmark, Kolding,
Denmark |
0004 |
Using Ad
Hoc Transient Communities to Strengthen Social Capital: Design
Sibren Fetter, Adriana Berlanga, Peter Sloep, Open University
the Netherlands, Heerlen, Limburg, Netherlands |
0017 |
as platforms for expansive development – examples from a
school development programme
Silke Geithner, Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany
Klaus-Peter Schulz, Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz,
Germany |
0050 |
Using the
lenses of socio-cultural activity theory and communities of practice
to guide an empirical study
Karen Guldberg, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United
Kingdom |
0038 |
as a Tool for Networked Learning in Production Networks
Stefan Hauptmann, Lutz Gerlach, cm|d - corporate mind development,
Chemnitz, Germany & Chemnitz University of Technology - Department
of Organisation Studies, Chemnitz, Germany |
0008 |
Networks and Learning Networks: Using social network perspectives
to understand social learning
Caroline Haythornthwaite, University of Illinois, United States
Maarten de Laat, Open University of the Netherlands, Netherlands |
0056 |
Negotiation, and Reflection: meaning-making established through
grounded theory
Shaunna Joannidou, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
Maria Zenios, Michael Reynolds, University of Lancaster, Lancaster,
United Kingdom |
0001 |
in online discussion forums - does it promote connections?
Mike Johnson, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom |
0041 |
Communities of Practice
Jeffrey Keefer, New York University, New York, New York, United
States & Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom |
0005 |
Rationalisation on the Network: Social Presence and Human Agency
in Networked Learning
Benjamin Kehrwald, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand |
0035 |
Research Topics in Social Learning
Ralf Klamma, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany |
0016 |
Networks and Networking among Companies, Educational and Cultural
Institutions and Research
Ulla Konnerup, Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Aalborg University, Aalborg,
Denmark |
0043 |
The Web of
Identity: Selfhood and Belonging in Online Learning Networks
Marguerite Koole, Athabasca University, Athabasca, Alberta, Canada |
0029 |
Learning in
Networks for Sustainable Development
Angelique Lansu, School of Science, Open Universiteit, Heerlen,
Jo Boon, Peter Sloep, Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies,
Open Universiteit, Heerlen, Netherlands,
Rietje van Dam-Mieras, School of Science, Open Universiteit, Heerlen,
Netherlands & Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universiteit Leiden, Leiden, Netherlands |
0036 |
for Learning in a Social Network
Karin Levinsen, The Danish School of Education, Aarhus University,
Copenhagen NV, Denmark,
Janni Nielsen, Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg, 2000
F, Denmark |
0010 |
The Ideals
and Reality of Participating in a MOOC
Jenny Mackness, Independent Consultant, Cumbria, United Kingdom,
Sui Fai John Mak, St George College, TAFE NSW-Sydney Institute,
Sydney, NSW, Australia, Roy Williams, University of Portsmouth,
Portsmouth, Hampshire, United Kingdom |
0037 |
Blogs and Forums
as Communication and Learning Tools in a MOOC
Sui Fai John Mak, St George College, TAFE NSW-Sydney Institute,
Sydney, NSW, Australia,
Roy Williams, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, Hampshire,
United Kingdom, Jenny Mackness, Independent Consultant, Cumbria,
United Kingdom |
0051 |
Rings of Participation: The "invisible network influencing participation
in online communities
Elpida Makriyannis, Anna DeLiddo, The Open University, Milton
Keynes, United Kingdom |
0055 |
versus collaborative learning in digital environments: the effects
on the comprehension of scientific texts in first year university
Elvis Mazzoni, ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - University of Bologna,
Cesena (FC), Italy & University of Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel
(NE), Switzerland
Pietro Gaffuri, Michele Gasperi, ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - University
of Bologna, Cesena (FC), Italy, |
0020 |
Finding the
appropriate network for learning
Tom Nyvang, Ann Bygholm, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark |
0048 |
health science learner experiences of formative and summative
feedback in a networked environment through ePortfolios
Susi Peacock, Sue Murray, Alison Scott, Queen Margaret University,
Edinburgh, United Kingdom |
0052 |
Where does
the learning take place? Learning spaces and the situated curriculum
within networked learning
Sue Peters, Lancaster University, Lancaster, Lancashire, United
Kingdom |
0003 |
A class-room
with a "view" Net-based strategies to promote intercultural education
Juliana Elisa Raffaghelli, Cristina Richieri, University of Venice,
Venice, Italy |
0030 |
A Personal
Perspective on the Structure of Post-graduate Work-based Learning
Programme at an English University
Claire Raistrick, University of Warwick, Coventry, Warwickshire,
United Kingdom |
0013 |
expertise: An analysis of Finland's national magician network
Olli Rissanen, University of Eastern Finland, Savonlinna, Finland
Tuire Palonen, University of Turku, Turku, Finland,
Kai Hakkarainen, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland |
0032 |
Just what is
being reflected in online reflection?: new literacies for new
media practices
Jen Ross, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom |
0002 |
The challenge
of supporting networked personal inquiry learning across contexts
Eileen Scanlon, Lucinda Kerawalla, Mark Gaved, Ann Jones, Trevor
Collins, Paul Mulholland, Canan Blake, Karen Littleton, Marilena
Petrou, Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom |
0018 |
Coalition Formation
in Networked Innovation: Directions for Future Research
Rory Sie, Marlies Bitter-Rijpkema, Peter Sloep, Open University
of the Netherlands, Heerlen, Netherlands |
0053 |
of a (peer) feedback perceptions questionnaire
Jan-Willem Strijbos, Ron J. Pat-El, Leiden University, Leiden,
Susanne Narciss, Technical University Dresden, Dresden, Germany |
0006 |
Mediators of Socio-Technical Capital in a Networked Learning Environment
Daniel Suthers, Kar-Hai Chu, University of Hawaii, Honolulu,
HI, United States |
0007 |
Social network
dynamics in international students' learning
Nashrawan Taha, Andrew Cox, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield,
United Kingdom |
0014 |
Getting to
know you, getting to know all about you: how does text-based communication
affect the way we relate?
Hilary Thomas, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom |
0044 |
Who's taming
who? Tensions between people and technologies in cyberspace communities
Terrie Lynn Thompson, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada |
0045 |
the learning and networking experiences of doctoral students
Christopher Thomson, Barbara Allan, The University of Hull, Hull,
United Kingdom |
0026 |
Online group
work patterns: how to promote a successful collaboration?
Luis Tinoca, Isolina Oliveira, Universidade Aberta, Lisbon, Portugal
& Centro de Investigação em Educação,
Lisbon, Portugal,
Alda Pereira, Universidade Aberta, Lisbon, Portugal & Laboratório
de Educação a Distancia, Lisbon, Portugal |
0021 |
Use of ICT: Challenges and Opportunities
Charalambos Vrasidas, Christiana Aravi, CARDET - UNIC, Nicosia,
Cyprus, |
0033 |
design - transformation of identity and local practice: An open-ended
story on net-worked learning
Helle Wentzer, Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Aalborg University, Aalborg,
Mayela Coto, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark & Universidad
Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica |
0022 |
the affordance of a software tool to support students in team
project work
Janice Whatley, University of Salford, Manchester, United Kingdom |
0019 |
A model for
leveraging social learning technologies in corporate environments
Robin Yap, Phronetic International, Toronto, Ontario, Canada,
Joost Robben, Stoas Learning, Wageningen, Netherlands |
0040 |
creation in networked learning: combined tools and affordances
Maria Zenios, Brian Holmes, Lancaster University, Lancaster,
United Kingdom |
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ICT Based Informal Learning
Approach for Semi literate and Illiterate Peoples in Rural
Area of Bangladesh
Farzana Akther, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark |
002 |
Web 2.0 for networked learning:
from collaboration to shared cognition and knowledge networking
Matthew Allen, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia |
003 |
E-portfolio and Narrative
Sanne Almeborg, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark |
004 |
‘Developing a Leadership
for Sustainability Learning Network: Some theoretical, pragmatic
and purpose-ful considerations
Chris Blantern, Judi Marshall, Vivien Hodgson, Lancaster
University, Lancaster, United Kingdom |
005 |
Podcasts for efficient
Simon Heilesen, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark |
006 |
ELYK - e-learning for SME
in outlying areas
Niels Henrik Helms, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, DenmarkSimon
Heilesen, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark |
007 |
Technology-enhanced inquiry-based
learning in higher education: what does the evidence-base tell
Phil Levy, Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom |
008 |
Going Global: Considerations
and Challenges in Designing a ‘Global' MBA
Sarah Robinson, Rusaln Ramanau, Kristen Reid, Keith Honnor, The
Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom |
009 |
Information Resources for
Online Learning: An Instant Trust Perspective
Eric W. K. See-To, Newcastle University Business School,
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom |
0010 |
Facilitating blended
learning by means of vidcasting
Carsten Storgaard, Simon Heilesen, Roskilde University,
Roskilde, Denmark |
0011 |
Participatory innovation
through user-designed knowledge sharing and Web2.0 in the Danish
seed industry
Svend Tveden-Nyborg, Birte Boelt, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences,
Aarhus University, Slagelse, Denmark,
Morten Misfeldt, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University,
Copenhagen, Denmark |
0012 |
Resource generation networks
and innovation, in fragmented institutions
Andrew Whitworth, University of Manchester, Manchester,
United Kingdom |
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