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Related Research

This page offers links to other projects investigating borders, settlement and identities in Medieval Europe:

The Breaking of Britain: Cross Boarder Society and Scottish Independence: an AHRC funded project which builds on the work of another project, The Paradox of Medieval Scotland, and will extend the People of Medieval Scotland database to 1314. It will also be linked to a new database, recording interactions between the Crown and people in the three northern counties of England from 1216 to 1307. The project will also study border chronicles as a source both for medieval perceptions of identity and fields of medieval historical interest.

Chronicles and Society in Northern England in the Fourteenth Century aims to provide a new edition of Sir Thomas Gray's Scalacronica, and explore what it reveals about attitudes and mentalités, including local opinion of the Scots.

English Landholding in Ireland c.1200-1360 aims to establish a detailed record of property-holding in Ireland by those normally resident outside the county and assess the significance of the landholding nexus in the relationship between Britain and Ireland.

Ethnicity and the Construction of Prejudice in Premodern Europe, c.1200-1700 an international research network which focuses on the identification of cultural and ethnic minorities, the relationship between dominant and sub-dominant groups, the formation of 'national' identities in the context of this relationship, and questions of assimilation and acculturation.

The 'Lands of the Normans' in England (1204-44) assesses the consequences of the end of the Anglo-Norman Realm and includes a database detailing the relationship between lands and people in this period.

Monasticism in the Crusader States, c.1050-1300 a collaborative project, which surveys monastic life and culture during the period of crusader settlement in the Levant (1097-1291).

The Paradox of Medieval Scotland 1093-1286 a collaborative, AHRC-funded project with examines relationships and identities in Scotland during the period of Anglicisation.

Profile of a Doomed Elite: The Structure of English Landed Society in 1066 a Leverhulme-funded project which uses innovative methods to interpret Domesday Book, in order to survey English landed society on the eve of the Norman Conquest.

Textual Sources and Other Resources

The Anglo-American Legal Tradition digitized medieval legal documents from the National Archives

Anglo-Norman Online Hub online access to the Anglo-Norman Dictionary (AND).

The Arabic Documents of Norman Sicily collaborative project that aims to publish the entire corpus of comital, royal and private charters in Arabic from Sicily dating from the eleventh and twelfth centuries.

Henry III Fine Rolls Project aims to provide freely available translations of Fine Rolls from Henry's reign. Includes a searchable index.

Medieval History: Texts in Translation numerous, new translations into English of Latin narratives and charters relating to the Crusades and to Norman Italy. teaching-based portal with research capacity for university level and above.

Medieval Sourcesonline includes an online version of The Normans in Europe, translated and edited by Elisabeth van Houts. This contains extracts from many contemporary sources produced by the Normans and those they conquered.

Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England database that aims to cover all of the recorded inhabitants of England from the late sixth to the end of the eleventh century.

Syllabus of Scottish Cartularies compiled by the Conference of Scottish Medievalists and edited by Matthew Hammond.


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