Last Update: 22/11/2012

Categories of Software:
  1. Palaeomagnetic Directional Analysis and Statistics
  2. Correlation of successions
  3. Tectonic Plate Reconstruction
  4. Rock and Environmental Magnetic
  5. Stereo and 2-D data Plotting Software
  6. Solid Earth Geophysics Teaching software
  7. Other geology/geophysics software and links

Software for Palaeomagnetic Directional Analysis and Statistics

Palaeomag-Tools v. 4.2 by Mark W Hounslow: A  Free-ware program for analysis of 2-D and 3-D directional data
Works with text files, with column based data in a variety of adaptable formats. It is
designed to be used in data-exchange with spreadsheet programs. Wide variety of applications in directional statistics, geology, palaeomagnetism, archaeomagnetism etc. The software has been considerably updated from the previous 3.2 version, mainly by inclusion of graphics, which allow data plots of rose diagrams, stereographic projections, map projections, and fold-test plots. Works with Windows XP/7. Extensive help, with tutorials, example files and example plots for getting started.
PuffinPlot (v1.02)  by Pontus Lurcock: application to analyse and plot palaeomagnetic data
bulletA cross-platform (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.) application 
bulletProvides several plot types and analysis functions, user-configurable graph layout, CSV data export, and SVG and PDF graph export
bulletFacilities for both interactive and bulk analysis, and can also be programmed using any JVM-based scripting language
Super IAPD, Interactive analysis of palaeomagnetic demagnetisation data
bulletwritten by T. Torsvik, J. Briden and M. Smethurst- works under Windows 95/NT
Paleomagnetism Analysis Programs, by Randy Enkin. A comprehensive variety of analysis tools, from statistics, to demagnetisation analysis to graphics
bulletMS-DOS software
bulletand now the Windows version (PMGSC)
PaleoMag 3.1 by C.H. Jones
bulletThe newest version of this software now contains core functions for many paleomagnetics applications, including sample list, orthographic, and equal area plots with least-squares fits to lines, planes, and circles; least-squares lists and equal-area plots, with Fisher Line, Line+Plane, Line+Arc, and Hemisphere versions of these statistics, Bingham line, plane, line+plane statistics.
bullet for Macintosh, Windows and Linux
PaleoMac (v.5.4) by J.P. Cogné
bulletHandles directionnal data, Paleopoles or any point on the Earth, plate contours and rotation parameters, to produce paleo-reconstructions, and demagnetization data
bullet(OS X Version) for Macintosh
 Paleomagnetic Analysis Program (V4.2), by Chunfu Zhang
bulletVisualization and analysis of paleomagnetic data with graphic output
bulletRuns under Windows
 "Paleomagnetic Principles and Practice", by Lisa Tauxe
bulletCollection of tutorials and worked examples from her book
bulletThe Fortran source code (runs under Unix or DOS)
IGRF v4.0, by Mark W. Hounslow: Calculates the earths magnetic field components using 10th generation model coefficients- Variety of uses in teaching and research
bulletWorks under 32-bit windows- self installing software, with extensive help. Written by Mark W Hounslow. C++ Source code also available.
Matlab Tool for Archaeomagnetic dating: by: Javier Pavón-Carrasco
Juan Rodríguez-González, M.Luisa Osete, J.Miquel Torta.
The archaeomagnetic direction (declination and/or inclination) and the archaeointensity obtained from the archaeological artifact are compared with a master PSVC. The master PSVCs included with the Matlab tool are the different European Bayesian curves and those generated using both regional and global geomagnetic field models. The dating uncertainty and the relocation error are analyzed for the European region.
bullet Matlab 7.5 (R2007) and newest versions.  Windows / MacOs / Linux.
Software relating to Correlation
CPLSlot v2.4, by Mark W. Hounslow and Malcolm Clark: Allows objective correlation between physical or chemical or fossil (abundance data) or directional palaeo-data records. It uses a sequence slotting algorithm and includes a variety of supporting visual data analysis tools and correlation smoothing methods.
bulletWindows software ( 2000, XP)- self installing software, with extensive help and examples.
CONOP9- Correlation of stratigraphic sections using the first and last appearance of fossil taxa or other kinds of events. Handles large amounts of data from many sections, and be used to construct a composite range chart for the taxa. See CHRONOS page for more info.
bulletWindows software,  Written by Peter Sadler.
RASC & CASC, V.20- Like CONOP these work with the first and last occurrences (or other events) of fossil data.- RASC generates optimum biozonations, whereas CASC produces correlations with uncertainty limits. The manual.
bulletDOS and Windows software,  Written by F.P.Agterberg and F.M.Gradstein.
UA-Graph, V.0.28- UA-graph is a program for biochronological correlation using the Unitary Associations method. This and some of the above biostratigraphic methods are included in the PAST statistical analysis software.
bullet Windows software,  Written by Oyvind Hammer, Jean Guex, Jean Savary
Various tools for plotting timescales and stratigraphic data within the CHRONOS project, including PSICAT for creating and viewing stratigraphic column diagrams, ADP an age-depth plotting program etc.

Software relating to Plate reconstruction

GMAP, and GMAP 2005Geographic Mapping and Palaeogeography and plate reconstruction.
bullet[STANDARD Edition] -written by T. Torsvik & M. Smethurst
- works under Windows
On-Line Data and Software Tools in Paleomagnetism and Plate Tectonics:
bulletProvides public access to software for palaeomagnetic analysis and plate tectonic reconstructions.
bulletOther useful modeling tools are interactive tools for the visualization of plate velocity fields since Early Jurassic.
bulletOn-line access to the palaeomagnetic databases
GeoDynamic (version 3.1), by Mark W. Hounslow: A   Free-ware program for use in geodynamics teaching, which allows assessment of NUVEL plate motions and magnetic anomaly modelling over divergent plate boundaries.
bulletWorks under  windows- self installing software, with extensive help. Written by Mark W Hounslow

Rock and Environmental Magnetic Software etc

Quant-XRD: Quantitative X-ray diffraction software, by Mark W Hounslow: Uses the methodology suggested by Hooten and Giorgetta (1977) and Hardy and Tucker (1988). Also detailed in Hounslow and Maher (1999). Program has uses in mineralogy and quantitative analysis of mineral magnetic extracts.
bulletWorks under 32-bit windows (NT, 95,98, 2000, XP)- self installing software, with extensive help. Written by Mark W Hounslow. c++ Source code also available.
 IRM-CLG 1.0, by Pauline Kruiver: Perform component analysis on IRM acquisition curves using "LAP", "GAP" and "SAP" plots.
bulletProgram: Excel Spreadsheet (Excel97 or higher)
 IRMUNMIX V2.2, by Dave Heslop: Automatic decomposition of IRM acquisition curves using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm.
bulletProgram- Fortran90; Requirements Win95 or higher.
 MC-CLEAN V2.0, by Dave Heslop: Spectral analysis of unevenly spaced time series using CLEAN: signal recovery and derivation of significance levels using a Monte Carlo simulation
bulletRequirements: MATLAB 5.3. GUI
RockMag Analyzer 1.0, by Roman Leonhardt: Software to determine rock magnetic parameters from isothermal and thermomagnetic measurements.
bulletrequires Windows 95/98/NT/XP
ThellierTool by Roman Leonhardt: Analyses Thellier type paleointensity determinations. Supports the evaluation of standard Thellier measurements according to Coe (1967), measurements using MD tail checks (Leonhardt et al., 2000), and additively checks. Additionally, it provides several other features, like check correction, decay and orthogonal projections, etc.
bulletRequires Windows 95/98/NT/XP
Magfab by Mark Hounslow: Simple utility for extracting/importing AMS data from Agico KLY3s ".asc files". so it can be conveniently  pasted into spreadsheet cells.
bulletrequires Windows


Other Directional Statistics and Plotting Software

Vector Rose 3.0 for MacOS, by Pierre A. Zippi: Calculate 2-D circular-normal statistics including Watson's two-sample test, and create rose diagrams and flight-bearing diagrams.
bulletMacintosh System 7.x and MacOS-8 & 9.
Oriana: 2-D Orientation analysis and circular statistics for Windows.
Steronet for Mac, and StereoWin for windows, by Richard Allmendinger
bulletComprehensive stereonet plotting program, producing various modes of plotting, including contours etc, rotations etc, but projection only on lower hemisphere- (structural geology tool).
STEREOPLOT (version 3.06), by Neil Mancktelow: A  program for plotting and analysing 3-D orientation data.
bulletMacintosh software
GEOrient© v9.x by Holcombe Coughlin & Associates : plots and analyses stereographic projections and rose diagrams of geological structural data.
bulletwindows software


Geophysics and Geophysics Teaching Software

IGRF,(version 4.0) by Mark W. Hounslow: Calculates the earths magnetic field components from 1940 to about 2010. Uses the 10th generation IGRF model coefficients. Coefficients used are entirely selectable by user, and updateable with new values- Variety of uses in teaching and research
bulletWorks under  windows (NT,  2000, XP7 )- self installing software, with extensive help. Written by Mark W Hounslow. c++ Source code also available.
Gravity Reduction (version 4.0), by Mark W. Hounslow: A  Free-ware program for determining the bouguer gravity anomaly from spot gravimeter readings.
bulletWorks under  windows (NT, 2000, XP, 7)- self installing software, with extensive help. Written by Mark W Hounslow
Gravity Modelling (version 3.2), by Mark W. Hounslow: A   Free-ware program for simple analysis and modelling (2D-dual-density) of bouguer anomaly gravity data. 
bulletWorks under  windows (NT 2000, XP, 7)- self installing software, with extensive help. Written by Mark W. Hounslow
GeoDynamic (version 3.1), by Mark W. Hounslow: A   Free-ware program for use in geodynamics teaching, which allows assessment of NUVEL plate motions and magnetic anomaly modelling over divergent plate boundaries.
bulletWorks under  windows (NT,  2000, XP, 7)- self installing software, with extensive help. Written by Mark W Hounslow


Other Geology and Geophysics Software & links

Mostly commercial stuff:

Yahoo earth science , Geology and geophysics

Rockware geophysics software

Gravity interpretation software from geopotential

Geosoft for 3-D gravity and magnetics

Intrepid Geophysics

Mostly Non-commercial

Geophysical freeware

Geophysics source code archive

Magnetic field calculation from interpex- GEOMAGIX 2005 models IGRF and WMM

International Association for Mathematical Geology

Good Geology software list at geologynet.