First Lancaster Playwriting Prizewinner to be revealed at showcase

Logo for Lancaster PLaywriting Prize

The winner of the inaugural Lancaster Playwriting Prize to discover new voices from culturally diverse backgrounds will be announced at a showcase on October 19.

In its first year, the prize focused on BAMER (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee) playwrights of any age or experience, resident in the North West and more than 30 plays were submitted.

Lancaster Playwriting Prize is an initiative arising out of the Cultural Partnership between Lancaster University and The Dukes Theatre, Lancaster. It is supported by the actor and Lancaster University graduate, Lucy Briers and Tamasha Theatre Company.

Lucy and Tamasha Artistic Director, Fin Kennedy, were among the panel who have chosen the winner from a shortlist of five. Other judges were The Dukes Artistic Director, Sarah Punshon; Lancaster University Creative Writing lecturer, Tajinder Hayer; and Aisha Khan, Co-Artistic Director of Freedom Studios.

The shortlisted writers and plays are: Naomi Sumner Chan from Stockport (Banana Split); Lewis Wren from Leyland (Before it All Falls Down); Leanne Alabi from Warrington (Brexit Among the Worms); Santoshi Mann originally from Blackburn (Dot to Dot); and Lancaster University graduate, Adam Kotwal from Bolton (Breaking News).

“We’re delighted by the quality and range of work submitted for this inaugural prize. It’s exciting to discover such fresh new North West voices,” said Sarah Punshon.

“It was a very tough process getting the list down to this final five. One of these writers will win a £1,500 cash prize and the opportunity to enrol on the highly competitive Tamasha Playwrights course, and two will be offered the chance to be mentored by experienced playwrights on commission here at The Dukes.”

All the shortlisted writers will have extracts from their plays performed during the showcase at The Dukes from 2pm on October 19.

This 'Pay What You Decide' event is open to the public who can book for free and then pay whatever they think the showcase has been worth once the performance is over. All contributions will be reinvested into supporting artists through The Dukes.

For more information and to book, ring The Dukes box office on 01524 598500 or visit

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