Effective Conference Presentations: Be Better than Boring Bullet Points

Tuesday 13 November 2018, 9:30am to 4:30pm


LIC - LICA A09, Lancaster University, LA1 4YR - View Map

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Free to attend - registration required

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Event Details

Have you ever seen a really great presenter and wondered how they do what they do? Giving a great presentation is largely about practice, but there are many things that you can learn to do that will improve your stage presence and the way that you connect with a conference audience.

The session will focus on your needs and explore tricks, tips and techniques of great presenters – and at times the context will be research presentations.

Although the themes of the session will come from your needs, requests and questions, by the end of the workshop you should be able to:

  • Deliver a message the audience will respond to, and guide an audience through dense and difficult material

  • Build a rapport with an audience

  • Handle questions with confidence

  • Show a confident stage presence, project your voice more effectively and deal with nervousness

  • Use audio visuals effectively and so avoid PowerPointlessness

Contact Details

Name Dr Simon Vaukins


