Srategy/brain storming notes with a stack of sticky notes

Net Zero Essentials

A 2-day practical programme for SMEs looking to identify opportunities presented by the transition to Net Zero

Eco-I NW Innovation Catalyst funding logos which include: Eco-I North West, Centre for Global Eco-Innvation, European Regional Development Fund, Northern Powerhouse.

About the Programme

This is a historic programme that was funded by ERDF between 2014 and 2020. For further information about other business development opportunities please get in touch with us.

The Net Zero Essentials 2-day programme is designed for SME leaders interested in connecting with peers, academic expertise and industry partners to address the opportunities and challenges posed by the Net Zero Carbon agenda.

Regional business leaders in a workshop discussing the content

What's Involved?

This programme includes two full-day workshops. You’ll participate in a range of practical and interactive challenges to develop the tools and techniques to explore low carbon innovation and solutions for your business on its journey towards net zero.

You will be equipped with the skills to start counting your businesses carbon footprint. We will go through all the different channels where your business emits co2e, so you will understand areas where you can reduce carbon easily, and also identify areas to innovate to reduce carbon.

*Learn about costs & eligibility

Session: Net Zero Principles

Times: 09.30 - 16.30

What to expect:

On day one you will be given a base level understanding of what Net Zero means and what legislation and policy there currently is. There will also be an overview of what is counted for a carbon footprint and how that looks using your own company data. You will then be armed with some quick wins to take back to your business to implement.

Lunch will be provided

*Learn more about costs & eligibility

Session: Innovation into Action

Times: 09.30 - 16.30

What to expect:

Following on from the previous session, you will now focus on innovation in order to think outside the box. You will complete a series of innovation tasks which you will use to complete a risk/reward graph and work out what is their best course of action for your business.

Lunch will be provided

*Learn more about costs & eligibility

Benefits to your Business

There is real incentive for SMEs to dedicate time to think about eco-innovation within their business. The potential benefits include more efficient processes, cost-saving ideas and a competitive advantage through innovation development. You will draw knowledge from the strong expertise within Lancaster University, and learn the tools and techniques to take a fresh view of business practices.

Understand challenges/opportunities for your business

Identify what 'quick wins' you can enact to reduce carbon and costs

Calculate Carbon Footprint

Explore the different methods available to calculate your own carbon footprint

Identify areas to innovate in your business

Establish how to innovate within your business to reduce carbon

Action plan

Design a plan of action to start your journey to Net Zero

Dr Zoe Detko, Project Delivery Manager, Net Zero Essentials

''It is vitally important for SMEs to take ownership and have a clear understanding of their journey to Net Zero. 'Net Zero Essentials' will give SMEs the tools and confidence to examine their own carbon outputs, apply knowledge to innovate to reduce carbon, and enable them to create their own map to Net Zero''

Nicola Roberts speaking at a workshop

Costs & Eligibility

This programme is fully funded and available to businesses who are eligible under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) criteria, as follows:

  • Based in North West England
  • Employ up to 250 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees
  • Annual turnover of less than €50 million (or the equivalent in GBP)
  • Received less than €200,000 of de minimis State Aid in the last 3 years

Find out more about how and why Lancaster University and our funding bodies holds your information.

Person typing on laptop