Writing for Publication

Master the art of publishable writing and enhance workplace communication. Explore diverse writing styles, from biography to fiction, while refining your voice and skills.

A group of students in a class

About the programme

This module provides the opportunity to learn the writing skills necessary to craft publishable texts and aims to improve critical writing in the workplace. You will explore voice and style by examining works from a range of writers in genres such as biography, memoir, essay, case study, and short story fiction, linking the works to your own practice.

  • This ten-credit module comprises ten 90-minute on-line seminars from December to February, and June to August.
  • There will be several written specific activities you will be expected to undertake.
  • The module will be assessed based on a coursework essay, where you will be tasked with writing 2,000 words on how to improve an aspect of your workplace practice. It will model a future published work in the form of a journal article, blog piece, conference paper or book proposal.

Programme content

The full ten-week breakdown of the course, including overall themes and practical exercises, can be found below.

A week-by-week breakdown of the programme. accordion

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