How can a Labour Government work with employers deliver high quality, secure and rewarding jobs?

Monday 9 October 2023, 8:30am to 10:00am


Labour Party Conference, Liverpool

Open to

All Lancaster University (non-partner) students, Alumni, Applicants, External Organisations, Families and young people, Postgraduates, Prospective International Students, Prospective Postgraduate Students, Prospective Undergraduate Students, Public, Staff, Undergraduates


Free to attend - registration required

Registration Info

This is a private roundtable, for more information please contact:   

Event Details

Insecure work is a defining characteristic of the UK labour market. The Work Foundation’s UK Insecure Work 2022 Index found that insecurity has been a feature of the UK labour market for decades and that there are currently 6.2 million workers in severely insecure jobs

Insecure workers have faced distinct challenges in recent years, being more likely to fall out of work and less likely to access furlough or sick pay than those in more secure and stable roles. They are now under additional pressure through the cost of living crisis.

In recent years, governments have prioritised raising employment and lowering unemployment, while paying far less attention to the quality and security of the jobs available.

The relationship between working in poor quality, insecure jobs and poor health and wellbeing is well evidenced. But less is written about the role of management in mitigating the adverse impact of insecure work. This roundtable will present new research from the Work Foundation and the CMI, and ask the question. How can Government and employers deliver high quality, secure and rewarding jobs?"

This is a private roundtable, for more information please contact:

Contact Details

Name Sonia Stevenson