Professor David Leslie

Professor of Statistics


I am a Professor of Statistical Learning, and Director of Engagement, in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Lancaster University. I research statistical learning, decision-making, and game theory. My research on bandit algorithms is used by many of the world's largest companies to balance exploration and exploitation in real time website optimisation. I led the EPSRC/NERC-funded Data Science of the Natural Environment (DSNE) project at Lancaster University, and was a member of the NG-CDI project, funded by an EPSRC Prosperity Partnership with BT. Prior to my position at Lancaster, I was a senior lecturer in the statistics group of the School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, where I was co-director of the EPSRC-funded cross-disciplinary decision-making research group at the University of Bristol. I was also a partner in the ALADDIN project, a large strategic partnership between BAE Systems and EPSRC, and involving researchers from Imperial College, Southampton, Oxford, Bristol and BAE Systems.

Selected Publications

Learning to Rank under Multinomial Logit Choice
Grant, J.A., Leslie, D.S. 7/09/2020 In:
Journal article

GIBBON: General-purpose Information-Based Bayesian Optimisation
Moss, H.B., Leslie, D.S., Gonzalez, J., Rayson, P. 8/10/2021 In: Journal of Machine Learning Research. 22, 235, p. 1-49. 49 p.
Journal article

Decentralized Q-learning in Zero-sum Markov Games
Sayin, M.O., Zhang, K., Leslie, D., Basar, T., Ozdaglar, A. 6/12/2021
Conference paper

Bandit learning in concave N-player games
Bravo, M., Leslie, D.S., Mertikopoulos, P. 2/12/2018
Conference contribution/Paper

Optimistic Bayesian sampling in contextual-bandit problems
May, B.C., Korda, N., Lee, A., Leslie, D.S. 06/2012 In: Journal of Machine Learning Research. 13, p. 2069-2106. 37 p.
Journal article

01/04/2024 → 31/03/2025

ProbAI: A Hub for the Mathematical & Computational Foundations of Probabilistic AI
01/02/2024 → 31/01/2029

LMS Research School on Rigidity, Flexibility and Applications
18/07/2022 → 22/07/2022

STOR-i: ARC TIDE 1 (inspection regime optimisation)
01/10/2021 → 30/09/2024

Future Places: A Digital Economy Centre on Understanding Place Through Pervasive Computing
01/10/2020 → 30/09/2025

DSI: Research supervision for - contract renewal
01/03/2019 → 29/02/2020

STOR-i : Detailed Telematics Data Analysis
01/10/2018 → 31/03/2022

DSI: Data Science of the Natural Environment
16/04/2018 → 15/04/2024

DSI : Contextual Bandits for Retail Pricing
01/03/2017 → 31/12/2018

Parliamentary Links Day (Event)
Member of Advisory Panel

  • DSI - Foundations
  • Statistical Artificial Intelligence
  • STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training