Professor Claire Leitch

Professor of Entrepreneurial Leadership, Executive Dean

Research Overview

My research interests concentrate on the development, enhacement and growth of individuals and organizations in an entrepreneurial context with a particular focus on leadership, leadership development and learning. Accordingly, my work straddles the interface between entrepreneurship and leadership and has significant theoretical, industrial and policy impact. Current work explores the underpinning reasons for practice-policy gaps which exist. I have a particular interest in gender and take a critical feminist perspective to explore macro, meso and micro level influences on inequality among entrepreneurial leaders. Projects include examining the role gender plays in business owners' networking behaviours, how women entrepreneurs understand and enact power, exploring next generation engagement in family businesses and gender inequality in academia. In addition, I am Editor of International Small Business Journal, a leading entrepreneurship journal.

Selected Publications

The development of entrepreneurial leadership: the role of human, social and institutional capital
Leitch, C., McMullan, C., Harrison, R. 2013 In: British Journal of Management. 24, 3, p. 347-366. 20 p.
Journal article

Power and Learning in the Dynamics of Family Business Development
Harrison, R., Leitch, C. 2012 In: Understanding Family Business. Springer p. 133-156.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Growing a high-tech business in Northern Ireland: The perceptions and experiences of female and male owner-managers
Leitch, C., Hill, F., Harrison, R. 2010 In: Women's Entrepreneurship and Growth Influences: An International Perspective. London : Edward Elgar Publishing
Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Voodoo institution or entrepreneurial university? The role of spin-out companies in the entrepreneurial system
Harrison, R., Leitch, C. 2010 In: Regional Studies. 44, 9, p. 1241-1262. 22 p.
Journal article

Entrepreneurial and business growth and the quest for a 'comprehensive theory': Tilting at windmills
Leitch, C., Hill, F., Neergaard, H. 03/2010 In: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 34, 2, 12 p.

Leadership development in SMEs: An action learning approach
Leitch, C., McMullan, C., Harrison, R. 2009 In: Action Learning: Research and Practice. 6, 3, p. 243-264. 22 p.
Journal article

The philosophy and practice of interpretivist research in entrepreneurship: Quality, validation and trust
Leitch, C., Hill, F., Harrison, R. 01/2010 In: Organizational Research Methods. 13, 1, p. 67-84. 17 p.
Journal article

Entrepreneurial learning : conceptual frameworks and applications
Harrison, R., Leitch, C. 2008 London : Routledge. 346 p. ISBN: 9780415394161.

An action research approach to entrepreneurship
Leitch, C. 2007 In: Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Entrepreneurship. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing p. 144-168.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Developing paradigmatic awareness in university business schools: The challenge for executive education
Harrison, R., Leitch, C., Chia, R. 09/2007 In: Academy of Management Learning and Education. 6, 3, p. 332-344. 13 p.
Journal article

Desperately seeking finance? The demand for finance by women-owned and -led businesses
Hill, F., Leitch, C., Harrison, R. 2006 In: Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance. 8, 2, p. 159-182. 24 p.
Journal article

Women and the financing of entrepreneurial ventures: More pieces for the jigsaw
Leitch, C., Hill, F. 2006 In: Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance. 8, 1, 14 p.

The growth and financing of women-led ventures: The Northern Ireland Experience
Leitch, C., Hill, F., Harrison, R. 2006 In: Growth oriented women entrepreneurs and their businesses. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing
Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Measuring effectiveness of entrepreneurship education: a cognitive approach to evaluation
Hannan, M., Leitch, C., Hazlett, S. 2006 In: International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning. 16, 5, p. 400-419. 20 p.
Journal article

Evaluating entrepreneurship education and training : implications for programme design
Henry, C., Hill, F.M., Leitch, C. 2006 In: Handbook of Research in Entrepreneurship Education: Volume 1 - A General Perspective. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing p. 248-260. 13 p.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Who wants to be an entrepreneur? Perceptions of women towards entrepreneurship
Hazlett, S., Henderson, J., Hill, F., Leitch, C. 2006 In: Promoting Female Entrepreneurship : Implications for Education, Training and Policy . London : Routledge
Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Growth dynamics in university spin-out comapnies: Entrepreneurial ventures or technology lifestyle businesses?
Leitch, C., Harrison, R. 2006 In: Entrepreneurship and the Financial Community. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing
Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Entrepreneurial learning: Researching the interface between learning and the entrepreneurial context
Leitch, C., Harrison, R. 07/2005 In: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 29, 4, 21 p.

Maximising the potential of university spin-outS: The development of second-order commercialisation activities
Leitch, C., Harrison, R. 06/2005 In: R and D Management. 35, 3, p. 257-272. 16 p.
Journal article

Entrepreneurship education and training - can entrepreneurship be taught? Part I
Henry, C., Hill, F., Leitch, C. 2005 In: Education and Training. 47, 2, p. 98-111. 14 p.
Journal article

Entrepreneurship training and education: can entrepreneurhsip be taught? Part II
Henry, C., Hill, F., Leitch, C. 2005 In: Education and Training. 47, 3, p. 158-169. 12 p.
Journal article

Action learning for management development: Lessons from a leadership development programme
Harrison, R., Leitch, C. 2005 In: Educating Managers through Real World Projects. Information Age Publishers
Chapter (peer-reviewed)

The effectiveness of training for new business creation: A longitudinal study
Henry, C., Hill, F., Leitch, C. 2004 In: International Small Business Journal. 22, 3, p. 249-272. 25 p.
Journal article

Entrepreneurship Education and Training: The Issue of Effectiveness
Henry, C., Hill, F., Leitch, C. 2003 London : Ashgate Publishing Ltd.. 218 p. ISBN: 978-0754632153.

Developing a coherent enterprise support policy: A new challenge for governments
Henry, C., Hill, F., Leitch, C. 2003 In: Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy. 21, 1, p. 3-19. 16 p.
Journal article

Learning and information in the knowledge-based information economy: Initial findings from a participatory action research case study
Harrison, R., Leitch, C. 2000 In: British Journal of Management. 11, 2, p. 103-119. 16 p.
Journal article

A process model for entrepreneurship education and development
Leitch, C., Harrison, R. 1999 In: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research. 5, 3, p. 83-109.
Journal article

The links between organisational learning and total quality: A critical review
McAdam, R., Leitch, C., Harrison, R. 1998 In: Journal of European Industrial Training. 22, 2, p. 47-56. 10 p.
Journal article

Learning organisations: The measurement of company performance
Leitch, C., Harrison, R., Burgoyne, J., Blantern, C. 1996 In: Journal of European Industrial Training. 20, 1, p. 40-53. 14 p.
Journal article

Whatever you hit call the target: An alternative approach to small business policy
Harrison, R., Leitch, C. 1996 In: Small firm formation and regional economic development. London : Routledge p. 223-247. 25 p.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Discipline emergence in entrepreneurship: Accumulative fragmentalism or paradigmatic science
Harrison, R., Leitch, C. 1996 In: Entrepreneurship: Innovation and Change. 5, 2, p. 65-83.
Journal article

Team entrepreneurship and new venture growth
Leitch, C., Harrison, R. 1995 In: Strategy and General Management: An Irish Reader. Dublin : Oaktree Press
Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Entrepreneurship and leadership: The implications for education and development
Harrison, R., Leitch, C. 1994 In: Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. 6, p. 112-125. 14 p.
Journal article

Birkbeck, University College, London

Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland (External organisation)
Membership of committee

Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation (External organisation)
Membership of committee

UK Research and Innovation Future Leaders Fellowships (UKRI FLF) programme Peer Review College (PRC) (External organisation)
Membership of committee

National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, Surathkal, Mangalore -D.K., India

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway

MSc. in Business Practice and the MBS in Business Practice, Irish Management Institute, Dublin

MSc Business and Entrepreneurship, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin

International Small Business Journal (Journal)
Editorial activity

National University Ireland and Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland
Visiting an external academic institution

Southern Cross University Australia
Visiting an external academic institution

Cardiff Metropolitan University
Visiting an external academic institution

Babson College
Visiting an external academic institution

University of Edinburgh
Visiting an external academic institution

Imperial College London
Visiting an external academic institution

University College Cork
Visiting an external academic institution

University of Western Australia
Visiting an external academic institution

University of Aarhus
Visiting an external academic institution

Department of Marketing, University of Strathclyde
Visiting an external academic institution

International Small Business Journal (Journal)
Editorial activity

International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship (Journal)
Editorial activity

Birkbeck College
Visiting an external academic institution

Dundalk Institute of Technology
Visiting an external academic institution

ESRC Peer Review College (External organisation)
Membership of committee

International Small Business Journal (Journal)
Editorial activity

ESRC (External organisation)
Membership of committee

Aarhus Univ, Aarhus University, Dept Biomed
Visiting an external academic institution

Aalborg University
Visiting an external academic institution

Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester
Visiting an external academic institution

Bodo Graduate School of Business
Visiting an external academic institution

Robert Gordon University
Visiting an external academic institution

Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (Journal)
Editorial activity

University of Aberdeen
Visiting an external academic institution

  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation