Dr Peter Watt

Lecturer in Organisation, Work and Technology


Peter joined LUMS in 2023, after working as a lecturer and senior lecturer at York Business School (2014-2018), Newcastle Business School (2018-2019) and Lancaster University Leipzig (2019-2022). He has a BA in English Literature, a MA in Human Resource and Knowledge Management, and a PhD in Organisation, Work and Technology, all from Lancaster.

Fail Again, Fail Better?
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

Culture and Organization (Journal)
Editorial activity

13th International Critical Management Studies Conference
Participation in conference - Academic

Management Learning (Journal) - Best Book Review Award
Other distinction

The Alan Moon Memorial Prize (3rd)
Prize (including medals and awards)

Centre for Productivity & Efficiency

WP E063, E - Floor, Management School
  • Centre for Technological Futures
  • Pentland Centre