In your second year, you can opt to take a credit-bearing, heritage work placement module entitled ‘From Education to Employment’, which is coordinated through the Department’s Regional Heritage Centre.
The sponsors range from prominent multi-site organisations such as the National Trust to small independent museums, county archives, and heritage consultants. On a work placement, you might find yourself analysing data on visitor experiences, writing text for exhibitions or researching world-class collections. This opportunity will provide insight into the different careers that exist in the heritage sector and the type of work that such roles involve.
Placement providers include:
- The National Trust
- Lancaster City Museum
- Greater Manchester Police Museum
- Harris Museum, Art Gallery & Library, Preston
- Keswick Museum
- Lancashire Archives, Preston
- Cumbria Archives Service
- Lancashire Infantry Museum, Preston
- Judges’ Lodgings Museum, Lancaster
- Tullie House Museum, Carlisle
The placements may involve activities, including:
- Curating virtual exhibitions
- Repurposing, cataloguing and contextualising existing resources
- Creating and running public workshops, including for schools or families
- Producing informative literature
- Checking historic inventories
- Working with oral history resources including transcription
- Setting up activity trails
- Rebuilding the online profile of the organisation
Our Careers Service offers competitive internships you can apply for in all years of study and across a range of employment sectors. You can also choose a placement year degree in which you apply to undertake a year-long, professional placement.
Please note: that the above placement providers are given as a guide only as our partnerships can vary each year. Whilst we cannot guarantee all students will be offered a heritage placement, there are other opportunities available.