First Project Symposium, Lancaster Uni – 06-07 Sept 2018

Sept. 10, 2018 | james

Has it really been a year already? Such was the incredulity of the project team and potential partners as we all met (several for the first time!) at Chronotopic Cartographies’ first annual project symposium.

Photo of symposium attendees

Sally devised a fantastic schedule for the first day, breaking the event into 4 distinct section (the coding, the ontological breakdown, visualisation, and Litcraft) with each team member – which is now complete with the addition of our tech RA, who will hopefully write an introductory post soon – taking charge of their pertinent component. Within each session, the relevant Co-I’s introduced themselves, discussed their experienc,e and proposed aspects that they would like to see developed during the course of our work. There was lots of extremely stimulating discussion, but everyone was pleased at the progression we have made – even if Litcraft has dominated (far exceeding all our expectations).

J R Carpenter

One thing reiterated throughout the event was just how innovative (and nigh Herculean) our task is – we still have a lot to do, but as we are breaking entirely new ground in DH coding and literary analysis, the careful and considered approach we are taking is absolutely the right was to proceed.

Gavin Ingliss

The second day saw colleagues, friends, and people of great interest we have met during this first year brought together, to give them a greater sense of what exactly we hope to achieve with our work, and to try an establish just how we might develop professional partnerships (assuming we scared no-one off, of course!). We had the pleasure of inviting J. R. Carpenter, Gavin Inglis, Adam Clarke (thecommonpeople) to present, and over several courses of delicious flapjack worked out some great little side-projects that we hope we can explore throughout this next year.

Adam Clarke

Now the team is fully established, and Becca has been brought on full-time.moved up to Lancaster, it is time to roll up our sleeves and start producing great content – so please, watch this space!