Off the Page chap.2, 12-13 April 2019, British Library

April 15, 2019 | james

Just concluded a busy couple of days with our project partner – the British Library – commencing with an invitation to present on our coding and visualisation techniques as part of a Digital Scholarship workshop series. There was a fantastic turnout from staff with a staggeringly wide range of research interests – and the session could not have gone better.  Everyone (bar a single member who was too heavily invested in GIS to be willing to consider other mapping approaches) gave us really positive feedback, showing just how versatile an offer our approach can be. 


The reception was so good, we hope to head back soon to run a follow-up session, where attendees can bring their own dataset samples, so we can provide a more hands-on session to really show the benefits of our approach to mapping – which can be applied to any form of space no matter how ‘real’ or ‘imagined’ – that is the beauty of its design. We are getting very close to making a public reveal of our methodologies, but it has matured a lot in the past six months.

Day two comprised of a day filled with fascinating talks and demonstrations in Off the Page, Chapter 2 – organised by Stella Wisdom and friend of the project Sarah Cole. A huge turnout, plenty of cake, and an opportunity to see other creative attempts to combine literature with games (including the next Mission Maker – for the classic Macbeth). Two event-filled days, very tiring but equally rewarding.