DPER 25-year anniversary series - DPER and Research

Wednesday 23 September 2020, 2:00pm to 3:00pm


Webinar, Lancaster, United Kingdom

Open to

Alumni, Applicants, External Organisations, Prospective Postgraduate Students, Public


Free to attend - registration required

Registration Info

Please register at the Eventbrite site. Registration closes on 22th of Septeber at 8 PM (BST).

This webinar will be held on Zoom. You will receive an email with info on how  to connect in the morning of Wednesday, 23rd of September.

Event Details

This is the third and final webinar in the series of three to celebrate 25 years of Doctoral Programme in Educational Research - Higher Education (DPER)

DPER and Research

This webinar showcases some of the research themes in a rich research landscape of the DPER programme. A current student, an alumnus, and academic staff will present their research as examples of research conducted by the DPER community. While the other two webinars were focused on the experience on and after the programme, this webinar is research focused. The speakers will engage with each other and the audience.

The webinar is chaired by Dr Brett Bligh, a Lecturer at the Educational Research Department. Brett is a member of the Centre for Higher Education Research and Evaluation, with which DPER is associated, and previously served as a convenor for one of the modules on the programme. Brett continues to supervise DPER students in Part 2 of the programme, and to act as a guest speaker in residentials.

Chair of the session

Dr Brett Bligh


Contact Details

Name Alison Sedgwick


Telephone number

+44 1524 592685