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PhD Students

Petter Terenius

Petter Terenius

Petter Terenius was awarded his PhD on 04/04/2024. The thesis, ‘Data centre waste heat: applications, societies, metrics,’ explores how cloud computing waste heat can be converted into a valuable resource. The thesis analyses the complex intersection of geographic, cultural and computational factors that enmesh cloud computing. Through three cases studies (in Malaysia, Costa Rica, Sweden), it reports on the use of waste heat for the dehydration of commodities such as coffee beans, wooden pellets and seaweed, as well as in energy storage opportunities. As part of these case studies, novel data centre energy efficiency metrics are developed. The thesis opens-up new possibilities for data centre waste heat management and re-use. Petter has published two major articles in sustainability journals. He is now a lecturer in sustainable computing at Uppsala University, Sweden.