Students in IsoLab


As a fully cross-departmental Centre, through Materials Science Lancaster it is possible to access to a wide range of state-of-the-art facilities across Lancaster University.

  • Chemistry

    Following recent significant investment in the Department of Chemistry, we have a wide array of state-of-the-art analytical facilities for materials synthesis and characterisation.

  • Engineering

    The Department of Engineering has extensive facilities for additive manufacturing and characterisation of material properties.

  • Physics

    Within the Department of Physics, the Quantum Technology Centre and clean room offer state-of-the-art facilities for nanoscale device fabrication and characterisation. Our Ultra-Low Temperature labs allow us to cool materials to some of the lowest temperatures ever recorded on Earth. Our recently-opened Isolab is one of the quietest measurement environments in the world.

Lancaster University partners with Bruker UK Ltd and LMA Ltd to pioneer nanoscale property mapping of subsurface and buried layers of materials and devices via scanning probe microscopy. We are now offering a free access to test this new pioneering analysis on your samples.

3D Nano Mapping