Overview two changepoints algorithms – PELT and FPOP
Hi! As you know I have started my first year of PhD, and my research direction is anomaly detection. And ...

It is NOT a failure for a PhD to work in the industry instead of academia
I am currently an MRes student at STOR-i, and I was thinking about the possible career path (either industry or ...

Handling human stubbornness when people think they are smarter than data science!
Last month, we had a problem-solving day talking about handling human stubbornness during the implementation of data science. You may ...

How could particle filter track Thanos? – explaining particle filter without mathematics
This blog will give an general idea about the principle of particle filter without mathematical proofing. Recently, we are given ...

Statistics in Social Science(3): Step-by-Step tutorial on One-way ANOVA test
This blog will explain the one-way ANOVA test in detail (including assumptions, implementing situation and explanation), and an example analysed ...

How do grocery stores know pregnancy? Why is the beer aisle always next to the diapers? – Data science in the retail industry
Recently, I was interested in the application of data science. It is well known that data science could be used ...

Statistics in Social science (2): Explaining Linear regression
This blog will give you a real example how to explain linear regression Why we need linear regression? People in ...

3 steps to build own R package – Rcpp
This blog is to give ideas how to build R package through Rcpp and C++. Here we assume our readers ...

Statistics in Social science (1): How to choose an appropriate correlation test?
This blog will give you the idea of choosing an appropriate statistical correlation test in social science area. Recently I ...

Why does Amazon always guess our preference? – explaining contextual bandit problem without mathematics
This blog will give you an idea of the rationale behind the recommendation system. How contextual bandit problem works in ...