Student giving presentation


STOR-i Leadership Team

The Leadership Team holds key responsibility for the overall management of the STOR-i CDT. This included all strategic and operational matters including recruitment, student selection, provision of training, supervision and monitoring, pastoral care of students, financial management, interfacing with industry, and dissemination and outreach related to STOR-i’s research and training activities.

The Leadership team consisting of a Chair, Director, Co-Director and Administrator meet monthly. The roles of these posts are:

Professor Kevin Glazebrook as Chair is responsible for chairing meetings of the Leadership Team, the Executive Committee and the External Advisory Board. He works to ensure that STOR-i’s activities are properly integrated with other key EPSRC initiatives (LANCS, NATCOR, APTS) and is key to building these relationships.

Professor Jonathan Tawn as Director is responsible for overall day-to-day management of STOR-i. He is line manager of the CDT administrative and support staff and course director and tutor. He has regular liaison with the students studying in STOR-i. To enable the sharing of best practice, the Director regularly liaises with EPSRC and his peers in other CDTs

Professor Idris Eckley as Co-Director is responsible for the industrial partnership programme and recruitment activities. The partnership with industry is core to STOR-i's mission and currently involves over 30 companies and 20 PhD students developing research, which is inspired by industrial challenge. Organisations contribute in a variety of ways to the training aspects of STOR-i including problem solving days, guest lectures and leadership talks.

Kim Wilson as Administrator is responsible for the overall day-to-day administration of STOR-i working under the line management of STOR-i’s Director. The broad areas of responsibility are in the coordination of STOR-i’s management governance, MRes and PhD programmes and associated quality assurance, its finance and the pastoral support of STOR-i students.

The team is supported by an internal Executive Committee and guided by an External Advisory Board and a large group of External Advisors, which collectively include world leading academics in statistics and operational research and technical leaders from a range of UK’s leading organisations and industries.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee provides a driving force for the continued progress of STOR-i. The committee is responsible for overseeing the development and provision of training courses, the vetting of PhD projects and supervision arrangements, and provides guidance on other operational matters. Members of the committee are also responsible for reviewing proposals to STOR-i’s Research Fund.

The Executive Committee’s membership consists of the members and the following representatives from Statistics and OR:

Statistics representatives:

  • Professor Paul Fearnhead
  • Dr Marco Battiston

Operational Research representatives:

  • Dr Adam Letchford
  • Dr Lucy Morgan

STOR-i Student Representatives for MRes and PhD

Leadership Team

  • Professor Kevin Glazebrook (Chair)
  • Professor Jonathan Tawn
  • Professor Idris Eckley

Georgie Watson, STOR-i Industrial Liason Manager

STOR-i Administrator (Minutes)

STOR-i Areas of Responsibility

  • Responsible Research and Innovation: Dr Marco Battiston
  • Admissions and Outreach: Dr Lucy Morgan
  • Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: Charlotte Delaney
  • Staff/Student Committee: Dr Marco Battiston and Dr Lucy Morgan

External Advisory Board

Strategic guidance is given on an annual basis by the STOR-i External Advisory Board meeting, which reviews and evaluates STOR-i's progress. In addition, there are several international leaders in statistics and OR as advisors we can draw on for advice as required.

The External Advisory Board’s membership consists of a number of leading academics in statistics and operational research:

Supporting Senior Industrial Leaders

STOR-i Alumni