HEREE programme structure and modules

The programme has a modular structure with three core modules and three support modules. All modules are compulsory and they are assessed along with the thesis proposal and the final thesis.

  • Part One (years 1 and 2) consists of five modules that offer participants guided study in key areas of Higher Education Research, Evaluation and Enhancement.
  • Part Two (years 3 and 4) - participants carry out an original piece of research under the supervision of a member of staff and produce a thesis (45,000 words) with the benefit of a sixth module.

Whilst this programme is undertaken entirely online, the Certificate produced on successful completion of the course will say "Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education: Research, Evaluation and Enhancement", with no mention of the mode of delivery.

Part One

Part One compulsory core modules

Assessment for each core module involves researching and writing a publishable paper for an academic journal (7,000 words).

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Part One compulsory support modules

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Structure of the PhD in Higher Education: Research, Evaluation and Enhancement (HEREE)

Paul Trowler describes progression through Part One and Part Two of the HEREE PhD

Confirmation process

Thesis Proposal

Towards the end of Part One, programme members produce a PhD confirmation document containing a research plan for the PhD thesis (up to 5,000 words). This is assessed by a panel of academics to confirm that progression to Part Two is suitable and the likelihood of success is strong. Feedback will be given where necessary. When Part One is successfully completed and the confirmation document approved, the candidate has their progression to Part Two (researching and writing the main thesis under the guidance of an academic supervisor) confirmed

Part Two

In the second half of your PhD programme, you will embark on an original research project and produce a 45,000-word thesis based on the research proposal that you developed in part one.

Ongoing guidance from an experienced PhD supervisor, with whom you will work on a one-to-one basis, helps you throughout your project.

Part 2 centres on researching, writing, and then defend your thesis during a viva voce oral examination by both external and internal examiners.

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