Bayes4Health Workshop
Tuesday 14th September – Thursday 16th September 2021
The 21st-century data revolution provides exciting opportunities for enhancing understanding of the world in virtually every area of human activity. However, the process of moving from data to scientific understanding is often challenging.
The 2021 Bayes4Health workshop took place in Cambridge, UK, from Tuesday 14th to Thursday 16th September. The workshop covered research ranging from statistical methods for Covid-19 and applications of statistics to health more generally, to recent advances in Bayesian and computational statistics.
Richard Everitt
Ritabrata Dutta
Christopher Yau
Stéphanie van der Pas
Barbel Finkenstadt
Ben Leimkuhler
Renee Menezes
Chris Jewell
Sergio Bacallado
Lorenz Wernisch
Maria de Iorio
Sebastian Funk
Sam Power
Brieuc Lehmann
Lorenzo Rimella
Filippo Pagani
Rob Cornish
Alice Corbella