DSNE Reseachers receive best poster award at CDE Conference 2022
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The abstract titled “DataLabs: A vehicle for methods reuse in environmental data science research” by Maria Salama and Gordon Blair has been presented at the “Constructing a Digital Environment” (#CDE22).
The #CDE22 “Constructing a Digital Environment” conference aims to bring together the NERC research community to highlight the increasing role of digital technologies in environmental research, including spotlighting the outcomes from the Digital Environment Projects, which explored methodologies and tools for assessing, analysing, monitoring and forecasting the state of the natural environment at higher spatial and temporal resolutions than previously possible, and the activities of the Digital Environment Expert network. The conference was help on 11th and 12th July 2022 at the University of Birmingham.
The abstract (graphical abstract below) presented the concept of “methodologically-enhanced virtual labs” that emerged from DSNE, with the goal of identifying appropriate methods that are tailored towards the complexities of environmental data, and developing libraries of such methods that can then be re-used across different environmental challenges. With the help of DataLabs, DSNE researchers are constructing a library of the developed methods, as well as forming a matrix of challenges/methods and re-using the developed methods to tackle other environmental challenges. The poster has been discussed along the conference days and won the best poster award.
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