Regional Heritage Centre to hold its first Local History Fair

As part of its landmark 50th anniversary celebrations the Regional Heritage Centre is to hold its first Local History Fair on 2nd December 2023, 10am - 3pm.
The event, being held at the historic Friends Meeting House, Lancaster, is set to bring together history and heritage organisations active around the Lancaster area and in the greater North West. It will provide members of the public an opportunity to find out more about the plethora of local history and heritage organisations active in the North West.
Dr Christopher Donaldson, Co-Director of the Regional Heritage Centre, notes that “Lancaster and the greater North West have an exceptionally rich and varied history, and this is a fantastic opportunity to find out about some of the great local history work that’s going on around our region.”
The fair, which is open to all and free to attend, will include exhibition stalls from a range of organisations showcasing their valuable work and activities.
In addition, there will be a series of short presentations throughout the day featuring an examination of 5,000 years of Lancastrian history through five objects by Dr Donaldson; an exploration of the history of women’s cycling between 1875 and 1939 by Dr Jean Turnbull (Lancaster University); and an investigation of the lost chapels of Londsdale Ward by Dr Sarah Rose of the Victoria County History of Cumbria Project, Lancaster University.
To find out more about the fair, including opening times, visit the RHC’s Event Pages: Regional Heritage Centre's Local History Fair, Saturday 2 December, 10:00am - Lancaster University
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