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Denemark, D. and A. Chubb (2016) ‘Citizen attitudes towards China’s maritime territorial disputes: traditional media and internet sources as distinctive conduits of political views in China',公民对中国海洋边界争端问题的态度:在中国用传统媒体和网络资源作为表达政治见解 Information, Communication & Society. 19(1), pp. 59-79.

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Gorfinkel, L. and A. Chubb (2015) ‘When foreigners perform the Chinese nation: Televised global Chinese language competitions, China and the world',由外国人展现的中华民族:中国与世界,全球汉语大赛电视转播 inGeng Song & Ruoyun Bai (eds.) Chinese Television in the Twenty-First Century: Entertaining the Nation. London: Routledge. pp. 121-140.

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中国法律翻译: 中国法律和政治文件的翻译件

中国版权和传媒: 提供中国共产党和中华人民共和国媒体发布文件的翻译件。

中国传媒研究计划: 对中国的传媒,意识形态和文化政策进行分析,评论和翻译。其基地位于香港大学。

中国外交政策档案馆: 上万本来自中国和国际档案管的文件现可通过Wilson Center进行网上查阅。

dajiangyou 打酱油: 关于中国数码民俗的实地考察笔记,由人类学家Gabriele de Seta建立。

21号线项目:: 关注当代中国政府宣传和公共外交的线上资源网站,提供大量当代宣传照。

Phonemica 乡音苑: 提供中国方言录音的地图数据库。.

Chubb, A. (2018) ‘Assessing public opinion’s influence on foreign policy: the case of China’s assertive maritime behavior’, Asian Security, March 2018, pp. 1 - 21.

Denemark, D. and A. Chubb (2016) ‘Citizen attitudes towards China’s maritime territorial disputes: traditional media and internet sources as distinctive conduits of political views,’ Information, Communication & Society, 19(1), pp. 59 - 79.

Chubb, A. (2015) ‘China’s shanzhai culture: “grabism” and the politics of hybridity,’ Journal of Contemporary China, 24(92), pp. 260 - 279.

Gorfinkel, L. and A. Chubb (2015) ‘When foreigners perform the Chinese nation: Televised global Chinese language competitions, China and the world,’ in Geng Song & Ruoyun Bai (eds.) Chinese Television in the Twenty-First Century: Entertaining the Nation (London: Routledge), pp. 121 - 140.