Masterclass 1: Professor Miguel Anjos, University of Edinburgh
Wednesday 12 February 2025, 3:00pm to Thursday 13 February 2025, 5:00pm
PSC - PSC Lab 2 - View MapOpen to
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This event is primarily for STOR-i students.
Event Details
Optimization Models for Unit Commitment in Electric Energy Systems
Optimization Models for Unit Commitment in Electric Energy Systems
The unit commitment (UC) problem addresses a fundamental decision that is taken when operating a power system, namely to set the schedule of power production for each generating unit in the system so that the demand for electricity is met at minimum cost. The schedule must also ensure that each unit operates within its technical limits; these typically include ramping constraints and minimum uptime/downtime constraints. Units that are scheduled to produce electricity during a given time period are said to be committed for that period. Various jurisdictions solve UC on a daily basis. In particular, it is the standard tool to clear spot markets, and particularly the day-ahead markets in the USA. In North American jurisdictions without markets, the system operators use UC to determine the day-ahead commitments and dispatches. This mini-course will cover some of the most relevant mathematical optimization models for UC and lead up to open research problems.
Part 1: Basics of Unit Commitment and Modern Electric Energy Systems (2 h)
Part 2: Network-Constrained Unit Commitment (2 h)
Part 3: Unit Commitment Under Uncertainty (2 h)
The lectures will be based on the tutorial:
M.F. Anjos and A.J. Conejo. Unit Commitment in Electric Energy Systems, Now Foundations and Trends, 2017 (ISBN 978-1-68083-370-6).
Wednesday 12th February
Masterclass session 1
15:00-17:00 PSC Lab 2
Thursday 13th February
Masterclass session 2
10:00-12:00 PSC Lab 2
Thursday 13th February
Masterclass session 3
15:00-17:00 PSC Lab 2
Contact Details
Name | Nicky Sarjent |