Prestigious award for Computing and Communications Research Associate

Dr Xiaowei Gu

Dr Xiaowei Gu (Research Associate in Computing and Communications) has recently been presented with the 2020 Doctoral Dissertation Award at the prestigious IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence.

Xiaowei's thesis focused on “Self-organising Transparent Learning Systems” and was chosen from around 2000 papers.

His supervisor, Professor Plamen Angelov, said: “Xiaowei was a truly outstanding PhD student who is a workaholic who pays great attention to detail. He not only managed to do his thesis well within the 3 year period of study, but co-authored his first research monograph with me and published a significant amount of top class publications – well above the norm and average. I am very happy about his award which will give him a great start towards an independent academic career.”

Congratulations, Xiaowei!

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