Save the Date for our 2023 telephone campaign

Image of students calling Alumni
A blast from the past - students calling our alumni in 2010.

We are delighted to announce that in February 2023, our next telephone fundraising campaign will take place. The call team will consist of 36 student callers who will be talking to alumni and friends of the University over a 4-week period. The campaign will focus on ‘Student Opportunities’, making sure that everyone who wants to study at Lancaster University is able to, no matter their background or situation.

The 2023 telethon will help to make sure that the opportunities we offer our students are of the highest excellence. We want to help those who need our support most, inspire more of the next generation to come to Lancaster and ensure that the University is an exciting and safe place for students to live and work in.

Please do look out for further communications about the campaign and the all-important telephone call that you may receive from one of our student callers. The students can’t wait to speak to you in the new year; they love to hear about your time at Lancaster University and always enjoy discovering common interests and experiences.

Unfortunately, if you haven’t given consent for us to contact you by telephone then we will be unable to add you to our calling list. If you would like to make sure that you hear from a student caller this February, please get in touch.

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