New Primary Source Archive: Environmental Science and History from Wiley Digital Archives

An industrial scene of pylons and smoke rising into the sky. Trees in the foreground.

​A new primary source archive from Wiley Digital Archives. Environmental Science and History focuses on the critical aspects of anthropogenic change and include features unique and rare to archival collections from multiple, global sources.

These collections include:

Royal Botanic Gardens Kew

From the archive at the Royal Botanic Gardens (Kew), this collection holds 772 files relating to global economic botany and the work of Botanic Gardens along with Agricultural and Forestry Stations across the world, with particular emphasis on former colonial territories. Documents include interactions with institutions, government administrations, botanists with scientific interests, commercial bodies, and amateur botanists, gardeners and inventors. From these records researchers can track the history of botanical exploration, the cultivation of usable plant products, and the use of plants by indigenous communities.

The National Archives (UK)

The National Archives are the official archive of the British Government, documenting history of various colonial agencies and departments related to environmentalism. This includes global records on agriculture, animal health, forestry, pest control, and insecticides. The Foreign Office and Foreign Commonwealth Office subcollection includes records from 1967-1971 from departments of scientific relations, and science and technology. One particular highlight are the diaries and papers of Sir Boris Uvarov (1886 –1970), director of the Anti-Locust Research Centre and father of acridology.

The Commonwealth Forestry Institute

Provided by Bangor University, the archive of the Commonwealth Forestry Association is the world’s oldest forestry organization. This global collection, covering the years 1950-1990 across 33 countries, covers all aspects of forest management including forestry experiments, plant specimen samples, artificial regeneration, tree growth rates, thinning/ pruning trials, foliage analysis, fertilizer trials, descriptions of wood, wood strength tests, and plantation inventories.

CABI (Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International)

CABI is an international not-for-profit organization focused on solving problems in agriculture and the environment. These problems include loss of crops caused by pests and diseases, invasive weeds and pests that damage farm production and biodiversity, and lack of global access to scientific research. Their records include distribution maps of plant diseases and plant pests, drawings, reports from commonwealth organizations, plus journals and books by preeminent entomologists.

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