Clouds with aeroplanes showing through, under orange light

About the OR-MASTER project

OR-MASTER addresses one of the air transport industry's major concerns – the demand-capacity imbalance. Demand for flights from the world’s biggest airports is only increasing, but airports have only so many arrival and departure slots they can fill.

The project develops mathematical models and algorithms to help improve decision-making for how capacity at overly congested airports and within a network of airports is allocated to airlines. It seeks an optimised, transparent, and fair approach for efficiently allocating scarce capacity to benefit airlines, airports, and the travelling public.

The project is led by a team of operational research and air transport experts in Lancaster University Management School’s Centre for Transport and Logistics (CENTRAL), working with researchers at Leicester University and Bangor University.

OR-MASTER is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).


Managing the skies

Professor Konstantinos Zografos, Principal Investigator on the OR-MASTER project, explains the team’s work, and the importance of addressing issues around congestion at the world’s biggest airports.

54 Degrees article: Managing the skies


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Lancaster publications from the OR-MASTER project

Publications from the OR-MASTER project