Awards & Grants

Student with sports awards

Sports Awards

In June the College sports teams come together for the Sports Awards Evening. The hosts for the event are the JCR Exec Sports Officers and twenty-one trophies and shields are presented by the Director of Sport, Kim Montgomery. College colours are also awarded at this event. Each award winner gets an individual shield to keep as the engraved trophies are proudly displayed in the College’s admin foyer throughout the year.

Final Year Awards

Any member of Pendle College can nominate a final year student for any of these awards. All you need to do is to send in the name of your nominee and the reason you feel they deserve the award. Awards are presented, if possible, at Graduation each year.

  • Donovan Tagg Award – this is Pendle’s highest award, given to a final year student (or in some instances other members of the College), who have made a significant contribution to the life and spirit of College.
  • The George Hayhurst Award – given to a final year who has worked hard to uphold the College tradition.
  • The Marcus Merriman Award – presented to a final year student who has worked tirelessly for the College and is loyal to the collegiate system.
  • Commitment to College Awards – for students who have represented the College in any way and whose loyal and continuous contribution has been beneficial to the College.

Please let the College have your nominations by Friday, Week 28 by either emailing the College Manager, or by handing in your nomination to the College Office, Pendle Porter or any member of the JCR Exec.

Final year students with awards
Pendle College sign

The Pendle 1,000

In July 2017 we launched the Pendle 1,000 campaign, inviting alumni to become one of 1,000 members supporting their College and offering life-changing scholarships to our current students. Half of all donations goes direct to the College and the other half provides much needed scholarships to students in greatest need. For more information, contact the College Manager.

Pendle College Student Advancement Fund

Pendle College Student Advancement Fund (PSAF) exists due to the generous support of Pendle alumni and friends. The purpose of the Fund is to enable students to take part in activities and events that will significantly enhance their academic learning and their career prospects.

The Fund relates to additional academic or career-related opportunities that the student has identified themselves. Activities or events included in the regular teaching programmes offered by academic departments, such as compulsory and optional visits, field trips and similar activities, are NOT eligible for this funding.

The Fund supports the following types of additional activities:

  • Giving talks or presentations at conferences/workshops
  • Volunteering and gaining work experience
  • Attending interviews and recruitment events
  • Other academic-related activities, beyond those included in the student's degree programme, where there is a clear benefit in terms of learning and/or career development

Funding is limited to a maximum of £50 per event or activity. A student can receive no more than two PSAF awards in total during their undergraduate degree.

To apply, students should send an email to the College outlining briefly details of the event or activity, including the location and date(s), anticipated travel costs, and a concise explanation of the benefits for learning and/or career development. If an invitation has been received this must please be attached to the application letter. Letters should also confirm that the event/activity is not part of the normal teaching and learning associated with the applicant's degree programme.

Students should apply at least four weeks in advance of the proposed event or activity whenever possible. Applicants will be informed of the outcome by email within two weeks. Funded students will be required to submit a short statement of 200-250 words regarding how they benefitted from the event or activity. Reports should be emailed to the College. Fully anonymised parts of the submitted statements may be used by the College to demonstrate the benefits and impacts of the PSAF to the University, donors to the Fund, and the College Community. Students who do not submit a statement on time will be required to repay the funding to the College.

In the event of all the available funding being awarded to students, the PSAF may be temporarily closed during the academic year. Any temporary closures of the PSAF will be publicised on the Pendle College website. PSAF will re-open at the start of each academic year.

Crowd standing and chatting in a foyer.