Our Experts - Science Studies

Professor Joe Deville
I am looking to supervise students interested in the intersections between some of the following areas: economic sociology, science and technology studies, non-representational/affect theory, consumption/consumer behaviour, data proliferation/informational mobilities, digital methods, debt/credit/money, and open access publishing.
See more about my supervision interests here.
Dr Joe Deville
Dr Allison Hui
I would be happy to work with students whose projects relate to my areas of interest, including
- Practices (practice theory, media practices, structuration, science and technology studies approaches)
- Transforming or innovating with methodologies (decolonising, creative methods, qualitative methods, engagement-focused methods)
- Consumption (everyday life, materiality, energy demand/sustainability)
- Interdisciplinary projects, especially human geography space/place, migration/mobilities
- Social/organisational leadership and transformation

Dr Catherine Oliver
I would be excited to supervise students with prospective projects in any of my research areas, which include:
- Climate change and society
- Environmental change and society
- More-than-human/multispecies/the non-human
- Animal studies/animal sociology/animal geography
- (Urban) political ecology
- Veganism, vegan studies, animal activism
- Environmental activism
- Historical sociology
- The Anthropocene
- Avian geography/sociology

Professor Elizabeth Shove
Research students welcome on topics relating to social theories of practice; infrastructures and institutions of everyday consumption, climate change and issues of energy and water demand; design, materiality, technology studies and research policy.
Web Profile
Dr Luciana Mendes Barbosa
I would be excited to supervise PhD students (in the intersection) of the following areas:
- Climate change and society
- Environmental change and society
- (Urban) political ecology
- Socio-environmental movements and resistance
- Environmental Justice
- The Anthropocene
- Housing
- Informal settlements
- Socioenvironmental conflicts in the Global South
- Critical geographies of disaster
- Vulnerability and precarity