What is a Centre for Doctoral Training?
Centres for doctoral training, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, aim to secure the future supply of graduates in specific disciplinary areas. EPSRC-funded CDTs offer exciting and innovative learning environments to give students the opportunity to develop and carry out their PhD-level research with the added benefit of taught courses to give them a solid background and knowledge in their chosen discipline. STOR-i is one of these CDT’s offer this engaging and rounded environment.
Why is there a need for a Statistics and Operational Research CDT?
EPSRC are growing the national research base in Statistics and Operational Research (STOR) as these two areas have long been acknowledged as shortage subjects. STOR-i brings together both areas, which are key to fulfilling an important need within the UK and further afield. STOR-i’s ambitious programme creates a major expansion in STOR for Lancaster University. STOR-i embeds its research with a major focus on industrial engagement and relevance. A highly visible centre whose mission has a clear industrial focus is essential to achieving world-class students.
Our well-rounded training programme develops a new generation of STOR graduate. Their research demonstrates excellence across academic, scientific and industrial boundaries. The quality and focus of our training programme and the current scarcity of broadly trained STOR graduates mean our graduates are in great demand across a wide range of sectors. We offer genuine collaborative work with industry and outstanding industrial engagement with an international reputation.
Centres for Doctoral Training bring together a critical mass of like-minded and outstanding students. This allows for the delivery of a novel and exciting training programme integrating statistics, operational research and industry. A multi-disciplinary approach brings strength in this area of work, which is essential for success. STOR-i’s large group of students learning from and challenging each other makes it particularly attractive to our industry stakeholders.
How is the STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training funded?
STOR-i CDT is funded primarily by an award from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. EPSRC is committed to funding exceptional Doctoral Training within the UK.
STOR-i is substantially funded directly by Lancaster University, known internationally for its high-quality teaching and research. In addition, STOR-i receives funding from a range of industry partners offering in-kind and financial contributions.
Other EPSRC-funded Mathematics CDTs:
There are a number of EPSRC-funded CDTs within the mathematical sciences in the UK. These include:
- InFoMM - Industrially Focused Mathematical Modelling, University of Oxford
- LSGNT - London School of Geometry and Number Theory, UCL, Imperial College, King’s College
- Mathsys - Mathematics for Real-World Systems, University of Warwick
- MIGSAA - The Maxwell Institute Graduate School in Analysis and its Applications, University of Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt University
- OxWasp - Statistical Science, University of Oxford
- PDEs - Analysis and Applications, University of Oxford
- Risk – Quantification and Management of Risk & Uncertainty in Complex Systems & Environment, University of Liverpool
- SAMBa – Statistical Application Mathematics, University of Bath
- Systems – Systems Approaches to Biomedical Science, University of Oxford
Lancaster’s centre differs from these in its particular focus at the interface of statistics, operational research and industrial collaboration.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
STOR-i is committed to providing an inclusive environment, where the rights and dignity of all individuals are respected. This has been embedded in the culture of STOR-i since its first inception. Our cohort supports each other and learns from each other, bringing out the best in each individual.
Our vision is to develop a culture where open, respectful, trusted and supportive dialogue about ED&I challenges and opportunities can thrive. In so doing, we will create a community that develops an even greater awareness and mutual understanding of the attendant issues, thereby equipping future STOR leaders to be ED&I ambassadors in their future roles.
STOR-i will continue to develop a vibrant, collaborative and people-centred working environment. There is bespoke support, including flexible working arrangements for students with caring responsibilities, disabilities and other personal circumstances to enable a doctoral training experience tailored for all.
The first point of contact for EDI matters within STOR-i is Anna-Lena Sachs. Any STOR-i EDI queries should be directed to Anna-Lena at
LMS Good Practice Scheme
The STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training is a supporter of the London Mathematical Society Good Practice Scheme. In becoming a supporter, the STOR-i CDT is committed to supporting the five principles of good practice:
- A robust organisational framework to deliver equality of opportunity and reward
- Appointment, promotion and selection processes and procedures that encourage men and women to apply for academic posts at all levels.
- Departmental structures and systems which enable men and women to progress and continue in their careers.
- Departmental organisation, structure, management arrangements and culture that are open, inclusive and transparent and encourage the participation of all staff.
- Flexible approaches and provisions that encompass the working day, the working year and a working life and enable individuals, at all career and life stages, to maximise their contribution to mathematics, their department and institution.